What Makes a Great London Escort Agency?

In a city as big as London, escorting agencies come in big numbers. Although starting a London escorts agency is way easier now than it was, say twenty years ago, it is still challenging because most of the people setting up these agencies do not know what it takes to make them great, unique and highly competitive. When you start up your London escorts agency, you want it to be the most famous, the most trustworthy and most of all, the one where clients are guaranteed of total satisfaction. If you decide to start such a business, it is highly advisable that you make it full time, not just a part time business. This will give you enough time to understand your business and to always be there when clients come knocking on your doorstep.

  • Ramona

  • Sara

  • Paola

  • Vivi

  • Luna

  • Adele

  • Lily

  • Natalia

  • Maria

  • Lexus

  • Ella

  • Adelina

  • Andrea

  • Emily

  • Cassandra

  • Suellen

  • Kimberly

  • Candy

  • Elise

  • Anastasia

  • Clara

Even at this day, people still direct a lot of scorn and negative attitudes towards these businesses. That is why you hear most people equating escorting with prostitution. This cannot be further from the truth because contrary to what many people might believe, intimacy is not always part
of an escort’s job description. With that said, what exactly makes a great London escorts agency? If you already run a London escorts agency, or you are planning on setting up one, then you should read on. Following are practical, easy to follow tips which will turn your London escorts agency from being on the shadows to being on everyone’s lips!

Variety of escorts.
This point cannot be stressed enough. Many London escorts agency make the mistake of not having a wide range of escorts. You have to understand that when you start an escorting agency, you are being open to receiving clients whose tastes and preferences differ from one to the other. Having a certain type of escorts only in your agency and expecting your agency to be successful is being ill informed. Let your girls come in different sizes, shapes and colors. This is easy to achieve because London is very cosmopolitan and you can find people of every race in this big city. Incorporate Asians, escorts of African descent, those of Latina heritage, escorts for couples, whites, brunettes, blondes and redheads. Also employ escorts who are not just model-sized. Break the boundaries and go for even those who are plus sized, taller or shorter than what is mostly common. You can also hire girls from outside London, Essex escorts, Kents escorts and gatwick escorts are very popular You do not want a client to visit your London escorts agency website and then exit before finding their preference, just because your girls are all alike.


In just a year, the city of London receives more than two million visitors. These are people who do not call London home. They are here for a short time before leaving and heading back home. Have in mind that these people are not well versed with the geography of London. Unlike the locals, most London visitors cannot easily navigate through the city without risking being stranded. And matter of factor, these visitors are the biggest consumers of escorting services in London. So, how can you make your London escorts agency tap into this promising market? Go online! A great escorts agency should set up a website that can be accessed by everyone who is willing and who has a device that can access the Internet. Days are gone when people used to travel all over the place in order to get what they wanted. When you set up a website for your escorts’ agency, potential clients can easily access the services offered by your agency simply through a search on the Internet. Set up a website that is adaptable and one that can be accessed by any device and you are on your way to making your agency great.

Escorts agencies are judged by the quality of their escorts. Clients will seek the services of your agency if you have a reputation of having high quality escorts. A great London escorts agency thoroughly screens their escorts before incorporating them. They only pick those escorts who have the promise and capability of making potential clients happy. Escorts who are taught on the importance of good escort etiquette are lasting assets for the agency. Any great escorts agency should have their escorts as their primary focus. The better the escorts, the higher the chances that your clients will come in hordes.

Safety practices.

A great London escorts agency makes sure that the safety of both their clients and escorts is never compromised at any given time. In the escorting industry, most stakeholders are total strangers. In 90% of the time, a client or the escort are meeting for the first time. As such, it is very natural for either party to fear for the unknown. After all, you have no idea about the other person you are meeting. To protect potential clients, every new escort to your agency should undergo a thorough background check. Escorts with previous criminal records should not be incorporated. For the escorts, a great escorts agency gives their escorts communication tools which are highly reliable. Should an escort encounter something that threatens their safety, while still with a client, they have to have a way in which they can easily and quickly communicate to you, the owner. When your escort is in distress while still in the line of work, the owner(s) of the agency should do everything to rescue said escort. Focusing on safety of everyone involved does not only make your London escorts agency great, but also reliable, legitimate and trusted!


Most London escorts agencies have set up websites where potential clients can visit and book escorts who they prefer. Your website is the only real source of information for these clients. To ensure honesty, a great London escorts agency should make sure that their girls are very forthcoming in their bios. They should also use their real, latest photos. It is very frustrating for clients when they book a particular escort who looks in real life like nothing similar in her profile. Their bios should state their dos and don’ts. This will go a long way in making it easier for clients to make their picks. You do not want your agency to be labelled as shady, where your escorts use fake, photo shopped photos!