I am in love with a Brazilian escort

I never thought that I was the escort type. Yet here I am, in love with a Brazilian London escorts. I had once thought of escorts as merely a service used by lonely hearts who desperately wanted someone to spend their time with and when they couldn’t find that naturally then they paid for this companionship. I was so wrong but it would take me a while to find out just how wrong.

  • Ramona

  • Melissa

  • Lexus

  • Vivi

  • Clara

  • Maria

  • Anastasia

  • Sara

  • Candy

  • Alicia

  • Emily

  • Ella

  • Natalia

  • Kimberly

  • Cleo

  • Lily

  • Andrea

I have been unlucky in love for as long as I can remember. My romantic life began as an awkward and very unsure teenager with an ever so slight weight problem and a low self-esteem. My fiends all seemed to be coming into themselves and maturing at a far faster pace than I was and my popularity was nothing to write home about. I had a great sense of humour which meant that I spent a large amount of my time surrounded by girls but as a
friend. This time in the friend zone’ so to speak lasted the full length of my high school years and well into college until one day I woke up and realised that I had in a few short months, come in to my own. I was playing a lot of sport and so without my really noticing it, my body had changed shape and was now athletic and toned. I no longer had weight issues and between that and my educational success, my confidence was at an all-time high. I began to date some of the many attractive women that studied alongside me but often found that they were just not what I wanted. They were similar people with similar stories from similar backgrounds. It was all just too similar.

It was after college that everything changed for me. I decided against going straight into my chosen career and instead I opted to travel. For the longest time I had seen these gorgeous, tropical women on television and in films and I longed for them, lusted after them. I guess what I was attracted to and drawn towards were the aesthetics. The way they looked. Those attributes that I would come to adore. I went in search of hourglass figures with full lips and long luscious hair. The olive skins, the dark features and the light eyes. Both porn and Hollywood had shown me that these were that I wanted in a woman. These were the things that fed my particular flame. So I went looking for them.

I travelled to Italy where the women were tanned and classically beautiful and to Thailand were the exotic nature of the women was alluring to say the least. I found that I was looking hard. I found myself looking so hard that I found nothing. Nothing for me anyway. There were women everywhere but I hadn’t found the one for me yet. I returned home and began a new approach. I started to use online dating sites and dating applications in order to meet women. I found that I could at least on these platforms choose to talk to those women that had the attributes that I was searching for. And so it began, I would find profiles of beautiful looking women who I would then begin talking to before eventually going out on dates with. I managed to go on a fair few dates over the space of a year but none of these ended with anything more than casual sex or at most a short unfulfilling relationship. These relationships I found out were in fact more trouble than they were worth. The women were fine, they were attractive and smart and funny but they wanted more than I was willing to give and in the end I was forced to accept the fact that I wasn’t looking for the same things that they were and so after each one it was on to the next.

Eventually I conceded. I gathered from my new found experience in dating that what I was looking for was something that could be found using the dating route but was a lot less likely to. I had been looking for something casual in a place where casual doesn’t regularly hang out. And therefore I didn’t find it. I needed to look elsewhere and so a friend turned me on to the world of escorts. I was at first a little sceptical to say the least. I had as I mentioned never seen myself as the escort type’ if there was such a thing. I wanted so badly to do it all as naturally as possible and have the woman I had been searching for come to me. My friend made it very simple; he showed me pictures of a few of the women that were offering their services on a site that specialised in Brazilian escorts and told me that if I picked one then she would do just that; come to me. I looked through the
pictures and that is when I saw her, she was everything that I had wanted. She had an amazing body which was young, toned and that perfect hourglass shape that I had craved for so long. Her face was also a thing of beauty as green eyes stared at me while full lips smiled beneath. “Her!” I said which made my friend laugh. And so my first date with a Brazilian escort from Heathrow escorts began with a quiet conversation and drinks at the bar in my hotel. Wow. What an amazing evening. We talked, laughed and spent the whole evening flirting heavily. We spent the whole night together and it was incredible. I had never been happier. A few days later I saw her again and just like before, we had an amazing time. So much so, that I would continue to see her again and again. The problem now though is that if I am honest with you, and myself, I am in love with a Brazilian escort.