Is Masturbating Good For You?

Masturbation, also known as wanking, is doubtlessly among those rare practices that almost everybody engages in, but very few want to admit or talk about it. If asked why they masturbate, most people would answer along the lines “It feels good” or “I just feel like it” or something close to that. However, it is very much unfortunate that in this time and age, people still associate autoeroticism with shame. This is mainly the reason why as much as people enjoy masturbating, very few would willingly volunteer to discuss this part of their life. Religion also plays a big role in this as many deeply religious people consider masturbation as a “grave moral disorder”. They argue that it represents the deliberate usage of the sexual faculties outside of marriage. Putting religion and morality aside, the benefits that arise from masturbation cannot be stressed enough. Touching one’s genitals for pleasure is very natural and normal. Even babies do it.

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Although it cannot be accurately determined who between men and women masturbate more often, many people would bet on men. This is because while male sexuality is not seen as much of a taboo, women have been conditioned since time immemorial to sublime and suppress their sexuality. The good news is that the world is now leaning towards liberalism and as time moves by, people have started opening their minds and topics which were secretly whispered in the dark, such as masturbation, are now being discussed in the open and even taught in schools. Even escorts in London are now widely more accepted.

So, is masturbating good for you? The fact that you are reading this is proof that you are here just to get a good reason to justify what you have been doing behind closed doors all along (hopefully). And if that is not the case for you, you’ve been among the unlucky few who have been holding out throughout their entire life, eagerly waiting for science to provide you with a good reason(s) as to why you should. Well, guess what? Science has finally done it and you have no good reason at all as to why you should continue denying your body the release it desperately craves for. Definitely, pleasure is the immediate and the most obvious benefit arising from masturbation. But you know what? Masturbating actually is very good for you, and the proof lies on the science behind it. Also worth noting is that as long as your body craves for it, keep doing it. The willingness of your body is the only sure way of determining whether you are overdoing it or underdoing it. Now let us look at some of the top reasons why self-pleasuring is actually good and highly advisable.

It is a proven stress reliever.

Masturbating is like exercising, with the only difference being that the former is more intense and more fun. This is because when you climax, your brain produces a ton of neurotransmitters and hormones including endorphins, dopamine and oxytocin. These chemicals are closely associated with stress reduction and pleasure. This explains the “high” feelings that you have after getting off. Additionally, solo sexy time is a priceless sleeping pill. This is definitely an added advantage to all the insomniacs out there! What all this means is that next time you are under stress, masturbating is a viable option of calming you down. It is more fun than doing yoga or meditating.

It is a good way of boosting and improving your sex life.

Contrary to the popular belief, masturbation is not only done by lonely, sad virgins or girls from porn, Heathrow escorts or croydon escorts. It is an activity that is enjoyed by all, whether single, partnered or married. It is a proven way of upping one’s sex life. A number of reasons exist for this, making it kind of an egg-and-chicken scenario. If you are having good fulfilling sex, you have better fodder for both fantasy and for getting off. Masturbation is self-exploration. Those who constantly self-pleasure understand how their body works better. They get to know what they like or do not like, what feels good and what spot needs to be touched for increased pleasure. This way, they stand a higher chance of becoming sexual partners who are engaged, curious and communicative. Whether or not you are single or partnered, having more organisms (from constant masturbation), will make your sex life better. And that is the bottom line.

Helps fending off diseases.

People who masturbate regularly have a decreased risk of suffering from prostate cancer (this refers to men, obviously). And this reason is enough as to why you should masturbate! On top of that, a very recent study has revealed that women who regularly masturbate are able to flush out old bacteria that may have accumulated on the cervix. Flushing out this bacteria reduces the chances of a woman suffering from urinary tract infections. This is because as a woman masturbates, the cervix stretches out and opens up, increasing fluid circulation. What better reason to masturbate than to keep away this deadly illnesses?

Helps flow of blood to the genitals.

Improving the circulation of blood in this vital area contributes to an improved response on how your body reacts to a sexual stimuli. The faster your body reacts, the better your sexual encounters will be.

It improves self-esteem and makes a person feel sexier.

Women who masturbate have high self-esteem levels. Just any Wembley escorts or Harlow escorts who masturbate. The same can also be said about men although there is no equivalent research that has been done to show the relationship between male masturbation and self-esteem. Only women have been studied because unlike men, they are faced with more cultural hindrances in fighting stigma attached to their sexuality. When you masturbate, you take more energy and time and get more connected with your body, thus knowing what makes your body feel good. Achieving a connection with your body and knowing what is pleasurable generally makes a person feel sexier.

In conclusion, what you decide to do with your own body and in your own personal time is solely your business and nobody else’s. Just have in mind that in case you feel the need to get a little sexy, masturbating is a highly advisable option. Besides, you have nothing to worry about, other than your privacy, of course. And what is even better is that science has your back!

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