Is Tantric Sex Pleasurable

Tantric sex is the latest in thing in the Western world, but do people actually understand what it is all about? There is a long history of “tantra” in places like India. The word means technique and there are a lot of rumours it actually has been taken out of context. To be fair, tantric yoga is perhaps better known in India than tantric sex. But, is there a connection between yoga and sex.

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Which Came First? Yoga or the Kamasutra?

When you start to look at tantric yoga, you will soon realise that some of the 26 poses within tantric yoga can also be enjoyed by couples. As a matter of fact, there is a couples of version of tantric yoga which uses about 12 poses of the original 26 yoga poses, some of the holds and breathing techniques. Can any of them help them to improve your sex life? Some of them certainly could, but you have to be really good at yoga before you venture into tantric sex territory. But which came first? Well, yoga probably did come first, but when we look at the original sun salutations and warrior poses, we can clearly detect their echo in the Kamasutra.

London Escorts ask Tantric Sex So Special?

Basically the same techniques as tantric yoga makes tantric sex special. London escorts believe that to really understand and to get enjoyment out of tantric sex, you must have practised yoga for some time. Yes, the truth is that it is all about technique and energy. In this particular instance, we are talking about the technique of building heat within the body. This allows you to hold a both for longer, or as in tantric sex, make it more fluid and dynamic. This makes for a more powerful orgasm for London escorts It is not easy to achieve this, but a lot of it comes from breathing techniques and holds.

What Is a Tantric Hold or Grip?

A tantric hold or grip does not mean you should be gripping or holding the other person. It is an internal grip which can be practised by both men and women. You may even hear it referred to as a triangular hold and grip. For women, it means you practise a hold using the muscles of the pelvic floor, vagina and anal muscles. It is a non visible movement, and it can take a long time to perfect the technique. For men, it means you grip using the muscles of the scrotum, prostate area and anal muscle group. You may think this is irrelevant, but technique such as these were often practised by Indian warriors as they firmed up the stance during battle. Of course for women, a triangular hold can help during childbirth. When you examine the qualities of the triangular hold, you can soon see that it can be used to withhold and intensify both the male and female orgasms.

Breathing Techniques that Croydon Escorts use

Can breathing better or differently improve your sex life? Once again in yoga, you will hear people, especially Croydon escorts talk about breath direction. This means you direct your breath towards a particular part of the body to intensify the exercise. It builds up heat and allows you to control that are of the body. Once again, this is an exercise way to control and extend the length of the exercise.

Poses Within Tantric Yoga and Tantric Sex that Harlow escorts use

If you would like to practise tantric sex, Harlow escorts suggests may want to learn couples yoga first of all. It allows you to learn how to “get connected” on a much more sensual basis. Learning how to be close to a partner during exercise can be a very special experience, and you may learn a lot about each other bodies. Kundalini, or energy yoga, has become part of tantric sex. This is the dynamic part of tantric sex, and represents the continual movement within sex. For instance, the poses double down dog or normal down dog within sun salutations, can translate into a tantric sex position. The dolphin position is another yoga movement which can also be translated into tantric sex for a beginner couple. A double pretzel may be for the couple who have practised yoga for sometime as sitting in Lotus may considerably increase the pleasure for the man. Some of the arm resting and arm lowering poses from the warrior group of movement, may also help to get you started.

Breathing Techniques in Tantric Yoga

Not only is being able to direct your breath important during tantric sex, but you also want to make sure you can prolong that breath. Using the snake breath can help to hold and also deliver more control of your body. However, unless you have practised special breathing technique, it can be difficult to achieve. It may be better on concentrating to get some of the poses right before you enter into Pranayama which is the name for the complete group of varied breathing techniques. Normally, you would learn the breathing techniques before you start to learn the Asanas (poses). But if you are practising on your own at home, it may be hard to learn the correct breathing techniques. It would be better to attend a class, and learn the correct techniques from a yoga master. Yoga breathing is not easy, but it can make a lot of different to your overall tantric sex experience. Learning yoga, and working on extending your range of yoga movements, could be one of the best things you could do to fully understand tantric sex. As a matter of fact, even those who have been practising yoga for some time, may find many of the aspects within in

tantric sex difficult. It compromises of many different aspects of yoga, and the knowledge can take you years to learn. Is tantric sex a hype? No, it is not, but it is important to understand what it is all about. In India, it would be seen as a sensual experience which can last for hours. The question is, do we have the time to practise good quality tantric sex in the West? Invest in a futon floor mat from Japan, and make up your own mind.