Relationship Intimacy Is The Best Feeling

Intimacy is essential to a durable, joyful, and successful relationship. Relationship closeness requires a strong physical and emotional bond. If there isn’t sufficient intimacy in a relationship, maintaining it could be difficult. An absence of connection may lead to emotions like bitterness and loneliness and even an affair and cheap London escorts say this is not the way to having a great relationship. A lack of intimacy can affect the the whole relationship and the whole family if you have children.

It can be the difference between a happy relationship where both spouses are on the same team and maintain affection, fun, connection and the fulfillment of commitment to each other. The other side is the path to infidelity in a relationship that is a strain on your mental health that leads to divorce or an affair that are hidden or in plain sight of a polyamorous connection or dwindles into an open relationship where you are just friends with benefits, which then lacks the ability to compromise and lessens the chance to form an attachment and loving connection to your partner.

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When you’re emotionally attached to your partner, you feel better overall. Read on for some ideas to boost the amount of intimacy in your relationship if you realize that it isn’t as strong as you would like.

The foundation of a healthy sexual relationship is emotional connection, passion and intimacy. London escorts believe it should have a structure of respect, friendship and harnessed in a caring and supportive home. Try to remember how the romance was when you were dating. That should be the goal to satisfy the need for sexuality of the body and always to maintain emotional connections.

Intimacy and sex

No matter how satisfying their sexual encounters may be, it is crucial to express a wide range of feelings towards a partner, because failing to do that can cause some individuals to feel lonely and alone.

Making love often brings a feeling of intimacy and emotional closeness to most couples. It takes trust and openness to be in an intimate sexual relationship. Sexual and other types of intimacy, such as spiritual and emotional connection, are related. Foreplay and other types of physical intimacy are also an element of sexual intimacy beyond intercourse.

Note that sex involves many types of physical touch, and look for ways to express affection and love without having sex. Often, the more a couple is intimate with each other in ways other than sex, the more fulfilling their sex life becomes.

Rekindle your dopamine with a novel encounter like maybe involving Heathrow escorts. Learning something new fosters connection and a sense of community. Consider thinking outside the box and trying something new, like an escape room or a ride at a theme park. Or even when you are apart and forced to have a long distance relationship, you can spice things up with phone sex.You’ll produce dopamine and experience the same emotions as you did throughout your relationship’s honeymoon.

According to experts, dopamine and other brain chemicals are closely linked to sexual arousal and physical affection, so spending time with someone new could assist pique their interest. Here are some tips to grab the attention of your spouse and get that spark of loving behavior fired to find true meaning in your relationship.

How to increase intimacy in a relationship make sex time a priority.

According to experts, couples that maintain long-term, fulfilling relationships frequently give sex top priority and even schedule it on their calendars. When some partners hear that, some people immediately assume, Well, that’s not romantic.

Scheduling sex allows you to take care of any obstacles that are getting in the way, like worrying about keeping your home clean or dealing with work-related stress. There is a preparatory time, during which you can take any necessary steps to lower your tension or heat the accelerator.

Speak up!

Communication breakdown is among the most frequent causes of sex feeling routine and much less passionate. Croydon escorts believe It’s crucial to remember closeness both inside and outside of your bedroom. Do you express genuine honesty in your relationships? Or do you keep to yourself and your mate to maintain harmony?

If you wish to express how angry you were when your partner made flirtatious eye contact with your buddy, it can sound like you are overreacting. It can seem unnecessary to voice your disappointment that your spouse didn’t truly appreciate the time and effort you put into organizing the ideal date.

But consider this: when you temporarily repress your suffering, it merely resurfaces, only this time it will take a different form. Repressed intimacy—sexually, emotionally, and beyond—is one way this occurs. The further you practice telling the other individual right away when you feel wounded, the less likely it is that you will harbor animosity. Greater desire to give and receive in other areas, including sex, results from less anger and other toxicity in the relationship. Thus, speak up!

Plan a “fact-finding” sex night.

Megatron advised Healthline to take one evening to have a candid discussion on what you enjoy and dislike sexually, experiment with new sex gestures, and talk out your secret dreams. Don’t force yourself to be seductive; experiment to find out what you desire and say things you might otherwise hold back for fear of upsetting yourself or coming off as insensitive.

Men and women have quite different sexual intentions, according to a 2016 web research study of 1,200 men and women between the ages of 18 and 25. Couples must share their preferences and dislikes in the bedroom to have a pleasurable encounter, as these notions are not likely to shift overnight. Some might say a couple should have a night out with west London escorts so as to hear different types of views on sexual preferences in the home.

Live A Separate Life From Your Relationship

While your relationship should be a priority if you intend to strengthen your connection, honoring your unique needs can help you become a true partner. Your connection will fail if you disregard your desires or rely only on your partner to supply them. If other elements of your life are fulfilling, you would indeed be able to contribute further to your relationship.

Make friends and engage in activities that you are passionate about. Once you engage in hobbies and activities that bring joy and sustenance outside your relationship, you might share your interests with your spouse and forge a closer link.

Utilize check-ins

Let’s admit it: if a relationship is already in trouble, in ruins, going through a tough patch, or whatever you like to call it, the sex life will suffer. Check-ins with your partner are crucial so that you may assess the state of your union. Note that checking in will promote open communication and assist you and your partner to solve any issues you may have.

You can identify solutions to issues hindering your connection during regular check-ins. Your sexual and emotional relationship will strengthen if you deal with these problems and move on. You can schedule a time to discuss your sex life during your check-ins.

Attempt New Things

Having a regular schedule might make you feel secure and at ease. You are aware of what to anticipate and what will happen next. It can give a relationship a sense of security. A spark that can keep the relationship intriguing can be reignited by doing something novel and unexpected. It might be energizing to venture outside your comfort bubble and attempt something new.

Whatever you do is not that important. You can experiment inside your bedroom, discover something unique together, or engage in a novel activity for both of you. Once you try something new and unusual as a couple, the enthusiasm from experience may stimulate your relationship and bring you closer together.

Show Appreciation

Making your spouse feel valued can be achieved largely by using the words please and thank you. It’s simpler to complete the daily tasks that make your home function more smoothly if you feel appreciated by your partner. When giving compliments, be authentic and detailed. Give your partner unreserved praise. Tell them what you appreciate about them. Words of encouragement and small deeds of kindness might make you both feel more appreciated by one another. Being appreciated by your spouse makes your relationship stronger.

Put intimacy before sex.

Even if enjoying sex is your ultimate goal—and, let’s be honest, why would it not be?—you shouldn’t devote all your efforts to it. When you or your spouse have basic sex anxiety or feel performance anxiety, concentrating on sex could be stressful and even terrifying. Instead, concentrate on increasing intimacy. You can achieve this by resting from sex to concentrate on actions like kissing and hugging, which will increase physical contact without naturally leading to intercourse.

Intimacy can also be increased by partaking in non-sexual touch-based activities like communication. Doing this can strengthen your emotional bond and have better, more passionate sex after the break!

Touch More

Maintaining a physical connection with your partner is beneficial. The first sense to emerge is touch, which is crucial for a child’s proper growth. There are numerous health advantages to affectionate physical contact as well.

Two health advantages are a drop in blood volume and a rise in the hormone that promotes intimacy, oxytocin. Both the person being touched and the person just touching experience this. Therefore, extend your hand to your spouse. Hold hands whenever you’re walking, stroke their legs while you’re sitting next to them, and prolong when you hug them. To deepen your intimacy, devote more time caressing each other.

Avoid acting only for the sake of acting.

Half-heartedly making love won’t ever lead to more physical affection in a marriage. In addition to providing pleasure, sex also helps people connect deeply and fall in love. You must take physical intimacy seriously, since it distinguishes you from a roommate.

Individuals start getting sexual as if it were routine as time goes on, based on many circumstances, including time, stress, work, kids, availability, weariness, and much more. Your relationship could suffer if you don’t give the situation your all. Whenever you begin an intimate relationship with your partner, it is vital to put your heart and mind into it.


Keep the channels of communication open for sexual interaction and adhere to these suggestions. Your sexual life will progressively improve from being miserable to thriving. The key to improving any relationship’s quality is willingness and motivation.

A strong marriage connection results when maintaining physical and emotional closeness. Couples therapy can be helpful if the advice above does not work or if there are additional relational problems that prevent closeness. It is worthwhile to increase your relationship intimacy because it can strengthen your bond and your general sense of well-being.

We have a few questions you may ask to help you in your relationship

1. What is the definition of “relationship”?

The definition of “relationship” is a close connection between two or more people. This connection can be between family members, friends, or romantic partners. A relationship is usually based on trust, communication, and mutual respect.

2. What are the key components of a healthy relationship?

There are many key components to a healthy relationship, but some of the most important include communication, trust, respect, and compromise. Communication is key in any relationship, as it allows both partners to express their needs and wants, and to resolve any conflict that may arise. Trust is also essential, as it allows both partners to feel secure in the relationship and to know that they can rely on each other.

3. What should you do if you’re in an unhealthy relationship?

If you’re in an unhealthy relationship, you should try to get out of it. If you can’t get out of it, you should try to make it healthier. You can do this by communicating with your partner, setting boundaries, and getting help from a therapist or counselor.

4. How can you prevent relationship problems?

There is no surefire way to prevent all relationship problems, but there are some things you can do to reduce the likelihood that problems will arise, or to mitigate the effects of problems when they do occur. Some general tips for preventing relationship problems include: -Communicate openly and honestly with your partner about your needs, wants, and expectations. -Be willing to compromise and negotiate when necessary.

5. How do you define a healthy relationship?

A healthy relationship is one in which both partners feel safe, respected, and free to be themselves. There is no room for judgement or criticism, and both partners feel equally valued. Each person is able to express their needs and wants openly, without fear of judgement or rejection. Both partners are able to give and receive love freely, without any conditions or expectations. There is a sense of mutual trust and respect, and both partners feel comfortable being vulnerable with each other.

6. How can you tell if a relationship is unhealthy?

There are many signs that can indicate an unhealthy relationship. One sign is if you feel like you have to walk on eggshells around your partner, or if you feel like you’re always walking on eggshells. Another sign is if you feel like you’re always being put down, or if your partner is always making you feel like you’re not good enough.

7. Who is in a relationship?

There is no one answer to this question, as it depends on the person asking and the context in which the question is asked. If someone is wondering about the relationship status of another person, they may be curious about whether that person is currently dating or married. If someone is asking about their own relationship status, they may be wondering if they are in a committed relationship or simply dating casually. Ultimately, the answer to this question depends on the individual and the specific relationship in question.

8. Who is happy in their relationship?

There is no one answer to this question as happiness in a relationship is subjective and unique to each individual. However, there are some general characteristics that tend to be present in happy relationships. For example, happy couples tend to have a strong sense of communication and mutual respect for one another. They are also typically able to compromise and work together towards common goals. Trust, commitment and a shared sense of humor are also often cited as key ingredients to a happy and successful relationship.

9. What are the drawbacks of being in a relationship?

There are many drawbacks to being in a relationship. One of the biggest drawbacks is that it can be very time consuming. If you are in a relationship, you may find that you spend a lot of time talking to your partner, going on dates, and spending time together. This can take away from time that you could be spending with friends, family, or doing other activities that you enjoy. Another big drawback of being in a relationship is that it can be expensive.

10. What are the different stages of a relationship?

The different stages of a relationship can be broadly divided into four categories: the initial meeting and attraction, the honeymoon phase, the power struggle, and the stability and commitment phase. The initial meeting and attraction is when you first meet someone and are physically attracted to them. This stage is often characterized by a lot of excitement and sexual attraction. The honeymoon phase is when you are first dating or in a new relationship and everything seems perfect.

11. Where do you like to go on dates?

There’s no one answer to this question – it all depends on what you and your date are interested in and what kind of mood you’re hoping to set. However, here are a few ideas to get you started: – For a casual date, you could go for coffee or drinks at a local bar or cafe. – If you’re looking for something a bit more active, you could go for a walk in the park or go exploring in a new part of town.

12. Where do you see the relationship going?

I see the relationship going in a very positive direction. We have a strong connection and I feel like we are really good together. I see us being together for a long time and being happy together.


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Escort vs Prostitute: What’s the Difference?

Do you have a big work event coming up, but can’t seem to find a date that will impress your boss and your coworkers?

Are you tired of relying on apps and online dating to meet people, only to find that your date doesn’t live up to your expectations in person?

Have you always wondered what it would be like to hire an escort service? If so, you’re not alone.

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However, it’s important to understand the differences between escort vs prostitute services.

In this post, we’ll help you to clearly understand what separates an escort from a prostitute, and go over some of the laws surrounding sex work.


Then, we’ll tell you where you can meet some of the hottest and most fun escorts in your area.

Escort vs Prostitute: What Are the Main Differences?

Unfortunately, it seems that there’s lots of confusion when it comes to understanding the difference between escort vs prostitute services.

Let’s clear them up once and for all.

What Is a Prostitute?

A prostitute primarily works around the law, rarely in accordance with it. While yes, prostitution in the UK is technically legal, there are lots of grey areas that can easily trip up you and the prostitutes themselves.

For example, if you’re caught soliciting a prostitute in the street, or selling sexual services, you’ll likely wind up facing potential jail time, not to mention the social consequences.

Additionally, it is illegal to rent out an area with the intention of turning it into a brothel. That means that even if you’re unaware of the illegal operation of the space you’re spending a special night in, you could still get into trouble.

It’s also, of course, much more difficult to determine which sex workers have been forced into prostitution, and which ones are there of their own free will.

Sadly, because of the lack of legal standing in prostitution, many women end up being abused by their clients or their pimps.

So, in addition to wanting to avoid trouble with the law, there are many ethical reasons why you’ll likely feel better about hiring an escort rather than a prostitute.

While the laws surrounding prostitution are constantly in flux, as of now (as you can see) there are lots of potential pitfalls.

What Is an Escort?

Now, let’s clear up what escorting is, and better define the difference between escort vs prostitute services.

While the primary purpose of meeting with a prostitute is to engage in explicit sexual acts, this isn’t the case when you spend an evening with an escort. Instead, escorts are available to provide different kinds of pleasure to their clients.

Escorts are usually hired to go on dates with clients and show them a fun evening. This is especially why escorting services are so popular among tourists or those who are new to an area.

It’s a great way to head out on the town with a beautiful woman on your arm, and discover a more sensual side of the city you live in. Sometimes, you may even wish to hire an escort for a longer period of time, such as when you’re traveling or going on a business trip.

In terms of ethics, escorting offers much better (and much safer) opportunities for women than prostitution does.

First of all, unlike many prostitutes, who must either work on their own in the street or underneath a dangerous pimp/madam, escorts are usually part of an agency.

This means that they’re well taken care of and true professionals. They’re used to operating with high-end clientele and can make a seriously competitive salary. It also means that they’re very comfortable operating discreetly, and in well-heeled social circles.

What to Know When Working with an Escort

Now that you understand the main differences between escort vs prostitute services, let’s make sure you know what kind of behavior is acceptable, both socially and legally, when you hire an escort.

First and foremost, be respectful.

Yes, this is a job that relates, in some way, to sex work. Still, no one, including escorts, likes to be harassed at work. While there’s nothing wrong with getting a little playful, crossing boundaries with escorts is always unacceptable.

Not only will soliciting your escort for sex likely get you into trouble with the law, you’ll also probably end up being banned from ever working with that particular escorting agency in the future.

What’s another important thing to keep in mind when you’re looking to hire an escort?

Be as specific as possible, and provide as much information as you’re comfortable giving the agency.

Doing so will help them to match you up with the perfect escort for the evening. It will also ensure that both you and the woman you’re working with feel comfortable around each other.

Anything you can do to eliminate those awkward silences is always a good idea.

Looking to Hire an Escort in London?

Whether you’ve lived in London for a long time, or if you’re just heading to the city for a few days, hiring an escort can give you a night you’ll never forget.

If you’re interested in learning more about how our professional, sophisticated escorts can help you to make your fantasies come true, spend some time on our website.

We have a list of available escorts, as well as other important information and guidelines that you’ll need to familiarize yourself with. We also have a clear list of rates, so you’ll know exactly what you’ll need to pay upfront — no surprises.

Now that you’re clear on the differences between escort vs prostitute services, be sure to check out our blog to get even more of your questions answered.

Booking London Escorts To Connect

I have booked escorts from various parts of the world and very honestly nothing makes me happier than taking one from London. The girls there are a lot fun and very witty. London has some of the best places you can go for a night out. They just know how and what can make you happy.

I have a few favorites of mine whenever I go to London. These are escorts that I have dated in the past and I love them. To clear the air, it is not because of the sex but just who they are as people. Every time I go there I make it a point to date each one of them. Two of them belong to the same agency, so we kind of hook up together and go out.

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I can still remember the first time I even tried the services of an escort. Honestly, I was fine with picking up a woman from a bar and having a one night stand, but that was just a physical pleasure. There was something missing in my life which I really could not understand.

Even in the midst of the crowd, I felt lonely and out of place. While my friends all had their own girls to hang out with, I was generally the odd one out who was single and never had someone by my side. It kind of hurt me somewhere and that frustrated me.

As much as I was pretending to be happy, deep within the void got the best of me. Since I used to travel, my interest in getting to know the different things I could do was at its all time peak. I started to do my research on the happening places in town and close to it. I also checked out a few dating sites so that I could hook up with a girl, but nothing really clicked. By that time, I had heard a lot about the London escorts and how good they were. I decided to try out one for myself.

The first time I ever went out with an escort, it was in London. I was really scared and nervous but mastered to courage somehow. Thankfully, the escort that came to meet mw was someone who was used to nervous wrecks like me. She made me comfortable. Since I was in the city for 15 days, I decided to give it a try again the same week. This time things were better. Ever since then it’s been no turning back.

Over the past three years, the girls that I have met have been really nice. But just four out of them stood out. These escorts share a special bond with me and vice versa. Even if I let them know a day in advance, they will always take out the time for me and meet me. It does not matter if it is just a coffee date or a night out or even a weekend trip, what is important is that I spend time with my London escort and have a great time.

There was this one time where we had gone to the outskirts of the city for some fest. My London escort was a fan of music and we both loved the same type of songs. When she told me about this local fest that was playing, we decided to jump for the occasion and spend time with each other.

We had partied until the wee hours of the morning and had booked a room at a resort nearby. The night was as beautiful as the evening spent with her. We had a lot of fun indulging into sexual massages, BDSM sex, bathing together and basically acting like wild cats. My cheap London escorts was truly everything that I had dreamt of.

When my company gave me the offer to shift to London I took it up. By then I had already experienced different sides of the city. For a single person like me, the dating scene in the city was really good. The girls out there were open to have fun without strings attached.

By then I had become a regular client for a particular agency and for two individual London escorts. Honestly I knew that I would at least have a life out there. Shifting to the city was the best move I made for my life. The lifestyle there was very similar to what I liked.

There is so much to do and see in London provided you know the right places and the right people. Well my escorts turned friends took me to some of the most exotic locations and the best places where we have fun.

Sometimes taking a break from the busy city life is a good idea and what better than to spend it with a person who is just like you. My London escort is my companion, my friend, my girlfriend and we share a special bond.

Five years have passed and even today it still feels like the first time I came here. The excitement of seeing how beautifully people live their life is amazing. The nightlife here is great for singles since there are so many places to hang out. With a London escort by my side, I never felt lonely or down. In fact in a way these escorts have helped me to find myself.

When you are with an escort, you can learn a lot from them. They teach you how to live life to the fullest and have fun without any boundary. The openness that we share is unbelievable and what makes it more special is the fact that these women are intelligent. This i have found true when i have booked an escort no matter what area i am in. From harrow escorts, harlow escorts, stratford escorts, basildon escorts to east London escorts i always feel special when i am with them.

I can clearly say that I have no regrets about dating an escort. The warmth that I feel my escort is very different from the women I dated in the past. With an escort I do not feel the void or stress of being with a person. Sometimes doing something that you can never dream about is good. It helps you to explore yourself as a person and gets you connected to yourself.

My Wife’s Bisexual London Escorts Surprise

It is safe for me to say that I am married to my best friend and she is my wife. We share an amazing bond and there is a lot of space and freedom in our marriage. As much as women have a tendency to easily get insecured when her man is with somebody else; my wife couldn’t even be bothered.

We both go back since school days, she has seen many women come and go in my life. Honestly, no one really sustained except her. We were even in a long distance relation before we could exchange vows; and even that time she never had any objections if I slept with somebody else.

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Our marriage is pretty adventurous and open, we share our thoughts, wants, likes and dislikes very openly without any hesitations. While some people may have other thoughts about the bond I share with her, we both know the truth and that’s enough.

Recently in one of my trips, I looked for the best London escorts website i could find and I had hired an escort for a night. No doubt, I did tell her before doing it and she was fine with it. The experience that I had was fun and I shared all the happenings of the night with my better half.

I also know that my girls are a bisexual and even before we married, she had her share of fun. But after we got married, she got tied up into many things. I wanted to do something special for her and that got me thinking. I started looking at profiles of bisexual escorts.

I found one girls who was perfect since I knew my wife’s taste in women. Coincidently she also had a few qualities that I looked for. Since I was planning a surprise for my wife on our anniversary, I decided to bring in a new twist and hire the sexiest escort I had found under the bisexual escorts category.

I know that she will love the fact that she could live her old life once again and I am fine with that. Bisexual escorts are a lot of fun; these women know how to please men as well as women at the same time. Just because of their sexual orientation or preference you really cannot judge them.

Even in the past I have had my share with bisexual escorts but this time it was different. It was not for me that I was hunting for one but for my wife. With the dating experience of bisexual escorts there are so many horizons that you can explore. It also helps you to learn something new and different which you would never get by hiring a straight escort.

Bisexual escorts love to have fun and their fun has no boundaries. You can easily hook up with them without any questions in your mind. When you share an open marriage like the one I have, there is nothing to hide.

Sleeping with bisexual escorts bring in a fun element. The fact that you can enjoy a threesome together or even get two see two women making out can really be fun. When you and your partner are adventurous and open to try new things, have a bisexual partner only makes it interesting.

Well coming back to my surprise. I called the agency and asked them about their bisexual escorts, although I had found one, I was wondering if she was available since I knew we had to check that out. I told them the date when I needed her and also the place.

Since it was an in the city appointment, I decided to plan up things at the escort’s place. I told the agency the purpose of me hiring her and also requested them to make special arrangements for our special day. Since money was not the issue, I clearly gave them specific instructions about what I wanted and what my wife preferred. The information that was given to them helped the agency to find the perfect escort out of the different bisexual escort’s profiles that they had. Finally we found a match

The girl that I found reminded me of one the girls she used to hook up with. She was tall, had blond hair and had a nice hour glass figure. The fact that she came under the bisexual escorts category was the cherry on the cake.

I paid an advance and a little extra for the arrangements that had to be made. I also requested the agency to decorate the place with flowers, candles and different things that we could use while having sex. Along with that, I even asked them to arrange a special cake to mark the occasion.

My excitement was at its peak, finally the night before our anniversary had come. I had already hired the place for the entire day; I even told her to take the day off from work since I had a surprise. I knew that my choice of going with the services of bisexual escorts was a good one. Next time when we go on holiday we will might even book some Gatwick escorts as i think we really enjoy booking escorts as a couple.

We had been for dinner and a movie; then I gave her a blind fold and told her not to take it out until I told her. I drove her to the escort’s place and took her up. By that time, I had already sent a message to the agency manager telling him that I was on my way.

When we got there, I took out her blind fold, the joy of the surprise was reflecting in her eyes. She was also shocked to know that I actually hired an escort for her. We enjoyed the entire night and in fact we even slept the night with our escort.

When we were driving home in the afternoon of our anniversary, I could see that she was happy. I know that she felt special that day. Sometimes having sex with bisexual escorts and your partner is not a bad thing provided that you both are fine with it. This is one of the main reasons why I love my wife. It is not because I get to screw other women, but the understanding that we share and the freedom to live that makes it special.


Please be aware that all escorts are booked for their time only anything that happens is an agreement between consensual adults.

London Escorts Blog: Anal Sex

Sex is a need that every human should have on regular basis. In fact even experts have conducted a variety of tests and studies to confirm that a person should have a sex life. The whole concept of sex is not about banging or letting out. It is about getting to your partner and yourself in many ways.

The different forms of sex create more excitement and fun. While getting intimate, trying new positions and styles of sex can enhance your sex life. Out of the different ways of having sex, people are still under contemplation about the pleasures associated with anal sex. London Escorts look into the pleasures of anal sex

  • Adele

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The biggest question that surrounds anal sex is – Does it really give the pleasure a person is looking for?

Well, to answer this question, the first thing that we have to get down to is a few basic facts about anal sexIn a way you can say, we have to get to know the myths and truths behind this form of sex. What you are going to read below is purely based on what I have experienced and how I learnt it.

Before getting into that zone, let us get to know a little bit about the anal region. In comparison to the vaginal region, the anal region is more sensitive as the walls of the anus are thinner than that of the vagina. This is why, when many people indulge into anal sex, they undergo a lot of pain.

Stimulation is a must and should be done properly

What a lot of people do not realize is that before even indulging into this form of sex, you have to actually stimulate the region properly so that it does not hurt during penetration. In order to do so, you do have different kinds of anal play using sex toys like dildos or anal rings or the fingers. Even lubricants are useful to help you get the best experience of anal sex.

When it is not done correctly, anal sex can actually turn out to be one of the worst sexual experience a person may every have. Even experts who have conducted a variety of studies on this topic have expressed that this form of sex is actually as pleasurable as vaginal sex.

The anal is close to the rectum – this gives you more sexual pleasure

In order to enjoy anal sex, a person has to take it as slow as possible so that not too much of friction happens during penetration. After the region is properly stimulated, it can trigger the same satisfaction as that of vaginal sex.

We all are aware that studies have revealed that rectum stimulation is one of the best ways to enjoy sex. The anal region is very close to the rectum which means that getting into the rectum zone is easier. When the penetration is as deep inside that it reaches the rectum zone, it gives a person a better, energetic and satisfying sexual experience.

So how do we stimulate this region during foreplay?

As mentioned earlier, in order to enjoy anal sex proper stimulation is needed. For the stimulation, you can start it during the foreplay itself. Massaging the thighs and butts are the key to anal stimulation. The butt’s cheeks have pressure points that can help in stimulating the anal region properly.

During penetration, you would need to work your way towards the sphincter muscles AKA the anal ring. When you talk about the anal canal, the anal ring is the key to get in. You have to make sure that the sphincter muscles are relaxed.

Verbal guidance plays a vital role while indulging into anal sex. It is important for your partner to know what you are going through. The intense tension surrounding the area can easily be transformed into a pleasurable one when you partner knows what is going on. When it comes to intimacy, the chemistry that you and your partner share is very important. Every small detail that you speak about will only help your partner to understand what is going on.

It takes time, but eventually anal sex is fun

For the start, indulging into anal sex can be painful. People who have been very apprehensive about this form of sex; have eventually started liking it. This form of sex requires a lot of patience, the right materials and resources; as well as the knowledge of what and how to do things.

Over practice and in time, you and your partner will learn the art of indulging into the right ways of having anal sexWhat you see in porn movies is no where even close to what should really be done while having this form of sex.

After the first time you have an anal intercourse, keep an eye on your partner to see how she is going. It goes without saying that if there are any problems, it is best to see a doctor or specialist as soon as possible. Just incase she is constipated; do not indulge into anal sex. 

Some more tips to help you get the most of your anal sexual experience

· Use lubricants during the penetration, this will help to lesson the friction caused in the anal region.

· Sex toys are equally a good option for the start. Before indulging into a full sexual intercourse, you can work your way by using them.

· Address any physical discomfort as soon as possible. This will prevent any kind of damage to the anal region.

· Learn the different techniques of relaxing the sphincter muscles and PC. This gives intense pleasure and will help to build the intensity of making love.

· Through the anal canal, you can stimulate the A-spot and G-spot of a person. You can check out the different ways of stimulating these two spots.

A final note

To answer the question whether or not anal sex is pleasurable, the answer totally lies on how you do it. Considering that this zone is very sensitive, you have to take a lot of care so that you do not harm your partner in any way. Anal sex can actually be as pleasurable as vaginal sex provided you take the necessary precautions.

For more info on Anal sex why not try asking the girls at harrow escorts or the sexy ladies at kingston escorts for more info.

Threesome helped us to save our marriage

There comes a time when every marriage hits a point where you almost consider it as over. The same thing happened recently with our marriage. It’s been five years since we tied the knot and more than 10 years of courtship. Ever since the first day we laid eyes on each other, we just knew that we were meant to be.

Well, just like any other normal couple, we have had our share of fights, misunderstandings and tears. But things went a little too the extreme after I lost our first child due to a miscarriage. The pain that we both went through was not expressible considering that we were waiting to be parents.

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It was during this phase where the frustration levels hit the peak. It went so bad that I even moved out of the house. The reality was that our marriage was going through a very tough phase. Considering that we have been in love with each other for more than 15 years; we did not want our marriage to break.

Hubby pops the big question and it is not Will you marry me

One day my husband asked if I could meet him at our favorite coffee shop. He wanted to talk about giving our marriage a chance. While talking things out, he came up with an insane idea and that’s when he said – Honey, let’s do something different to spice our life up. I was trying to figure out what he meant by it, he broke the bubble and suggested that we should try out a threesome

My first reaction was that I really couldn’t do it. Not that I was not a modern girl but just the idea of sharing the man of my life with somebody else did not go down with me. After a long time of talking the if’s and buts’ I finally gave in to the idea of having a threesome.

Although I had my reservations, I was still willing to give it a try only to save my marriage. For some this statement may sound cliché; but for those who are in an open marriage, you would definitely connect to what I am saying.

The hunt for the new partner in our life

Having agreed to give the whole threesome concept a shot, the next thing was to hunt for someone who was ok with sleeping with a couple. We checked a London escorts website and checked out the sexy escorts available today posted the need for a person who was willing to have sex with a couple. Within a week we got a response. It was a young girl who was in her late 20’s and she also was looking out for the same thing.

We met her at a coffee shop for the first time to talk things out. We even told her that this was the first time we were planning to have a threesome. She was fine with the whole thing and decided she wanted to do it as a consenting adult. That is when we decided to meet up during the weekend at our place.

The night that changed our lives

Since we were newbie’s with the threesome concept, she was the expert and our guru in a way. She came with a bag full of different sex toys and BDSM stuff. Her take on it was that it would make the threesome experience more interesting.

Before we ventured into our new adventure, she demonstrated the use of every toy. My hubby and I felt like oldies considering that we had no experience. But this girl was a sweetheart who was very patient with us.

We left everything up to her; it was natural that my hubby and I were a little hesitant at first to become intimate with a new partner. Prior to her arrival, my husband and I had spoken things out. He had already told me that this was not going to change the way he felt and neither did he have any ideas of cheating on me.

Moving on to the night, the adventure started with both of us getting into foreplay, after a while, she also came into the picture. She worked on both of us together, one hand on me and the other on my hubby, by the way she was moving it was clear; she was an expert in threesome.

As the night went one, we took turns of getting tied on bed, while my hubby was getting intimate with me, she was there by our side giving my hubby an anal sex with a dildo. The initial hesitation was long gone by then. As we progressed into the wee hours of the morning, the threesome experience become more interesting and fun.

We tried different positions and ways to have sex as well as used the different toys that she got. By early morning we all so tired from the entire threesome adventure of the night. For the first time in 15 years, we had a third person sleeping with us on the same bed.

In the morning before she left we thanked her for spending the night with us. By that time we ourselves were relaxed as well. After she walked out of the door, my husband and I sat down and spoke about whatever happened in the night.

He clearly asked me how I felt about the threesome idea. I was honest to tell him that I did have fun but more than that I was happy that we tried it out. It’s been eight months now that we had our first threesome encounter.

My thinking about the threesome factor has changed

To be honest, the misconceptions that I had about this concept have changed. Sometimes breaking away from your comfort zone and getting in a little spice into your sex life is not wrong. The only catch here is that you should know your boundaries even if it is getting into a threesome. We both still have sex with our new found partner but this is a once in a month affair and not more than that. My hubby is even thinking we should go further afield than a London send try Luton escorts or even Kent escorts however i am happy with the escort we book now.

Having a threesome brought in a new perspective to our life. It has brought in a positive change and has broken the monotony of our lives. Today in a way we are in an open marriage, the difference is that our open marriage does involve the both us together in it.


It is wonderful to be in a healthy and long-term relationship, be it platonic or sexual. However, you can not go with the both for really long. There is a next level and there will be a point when you and your partner will jump on to it. There is no fix time to take a relationship to the next level, it can happen in few days to few months.

So, if you are one of them who took their relationship to next level long back and have scored home run many times then chances are you can be looking for something new to add to your sexual relationship. After all, at the initial stage, it is the new body, new energy, new smell, new taste, and new orgasm. It is all so exciting then! But once you start sleeping with the same partner, eventually things get monotonous, you get stuck in a routine.

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But no worries! There are so many ways to break this monotony. From new places to new positions, you can try anything anywhere! And one of such thing is sex role play.


Sexual roleplay, also known as foreplay is not a new idea but it is a good one as it works every time. You can create as many sensual scenarios as you want to explore.


Taking a new identity sounds intimidating but all your apprehensions will vanish in no time. And if you are wondering about the ideas of sex role play then the sky is the limit. However, here are few of them just to get you on your toes:-


●  Teacher and Pupil

This sexual roleplay is the one where there is no one person remains submissive or master. Both the partners are not at par but they can switch the role of teacher and pupil as when they want to.

It might not be possible for a newbie out of college teacher to control a freaky or disobedient student, or a witty college professor is having this sexy freshman hanging on every word that professor says.

Students having crushes on their teacher is not a new thing but the question is, how do the two control their desire so that they do not end up in a burning scandal.


●  Boss and the Secretary

If you are looking for something like BDSM, where one is dominant and other is the slave then this sexual roleplay gets a thumbs up. For an introduction to bondage’ this is a great way.


One of you can be the boss and other can play the role of an eager-to-please assistant. To set the mood or make the role play more convicting add costumes. The boss in suit and secretary in some skimpy outfit. Your secretary has not been working efficiently since past few days and paperwork has now mounted up. Since it is urgent to finish it ASAP, you both get to work on it after the office hours.


And for more on this you can (must) watch  “the Secretary” together.


●  Home Delivery

There is something really turning on about having sex with a stranger.

Imagine a hot pizza delivery boy rings the bell and you answering it in your sensual lingerie.

You are sorry as you have no money to pay and you ask him if there is any other way to settle the due?

I know some ways in which you can repay me.’, he says.


●  The Hitchhiker

Bid adieu to your inhibitions and take the sexual roleplay fantasies outside your bedroom (in fact, home). How about you taking it to the car or a truck? Just go out and pick a total stranger, as you know there is something really turning on……..


Arrange a pint from A to B for yourself and your partner.

The hitchhiker is standing by the road have somewhere to go but you do not believe in charity. So, it is cool if he cannot pay money but you both are adults and you are sure that you can find other ways for him to repay your kindness!


●  Doctor and the Nurse

It might sound a bit cliche and quite old and yet it is followed happily because it is many’s time-honoured favorites. It could be because sensuous nurses and dashing doctors make a best sexual roleplay than professor and student or boss and secretary.

The doctor tries to find out the problem, however, those hands might stumble upon some place naughtier. And soon you will be given a service that you will fall sick now and then!


●  Man-Maid service

You are a bachelor living in a messed up apartment. It’s been weeks that you have cleaned it up and it’s high time you call someone to get the job done. How about this service you get from a French cleaning maid?


Imagine to your surprise that this sexy maid in her tantalizing service outfit shows up at your door and clean everything dirty. Moreover, when you will bend and try to reach for those hard to reach areas under the sofa or bed, it will certainly give him a show that will be impossible to resist.

You can also do role reversal in this sexual role play. A man showing up on a woman’s doorstep, an overworked professional who is working from home that particular day.


●  Not so naive

One of you can pretend to be a naysayer who doesn’t know even the meaning of sex or just has read about it in the books. So, it is time for the master to give some practical lessons to his or her student.

●  Fireman

Do you need anything more. Of course, you (just like everyone else) know that any guy who has ever worked with a fire department has been unreasonably hot.


●  The Client and the Masseuse

Lit few candles, set the mood, snag sexy massage oil, and give each other some massage until and unless you both are feeling silky, smooth and ready to be touched further.

The whole thing can be summed up in just two words “Happy Ending”.


● The Secret Admirer

You can play the role of a sexy diva. Just put your best gown, do your hair & makeup, and let you secret admirer go gaga over you.


The Prostitute and the client


You could play the Richard Gere guy hiring a prostitute for companionship



If You have no one to act out these fantasies you could always book a London escort and it doesn’t have to end sexually unless you decide a two consenting adults that you want it to.

Are swingers parties that exciting?

The term Swingers’ which is sometimes otherwise titled wife swapping’ or in this modern day and age partner swapping’, refers to non-monogamous couples who enjoy engaging in sexual acts with others as a leisure or social activity. Swingers’ parties are traditionally the meeting places for these like-minded and sexually open people. So, what goes on at a swingers party’, how do I get involved and where did this idea come from.

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I have been sexually active since my late teens, my first experiences being hopelessly romantic. University however opened my eyes to a whole other world of sex. Sex was not just something sensual to be shared between two people who were in love. This was something bigger. It was something that could be used in many different ways, and indeed enjoyed in just as many. Once I realized that sex was in fact just sex, and was a thing that could be enjoyed without worries over taboos or judgments, I went in search of similarly minded people. What I found was astounding. I found that there were people everywhere who would use sex to spice up sex lives that otherwise lacked variety or indeed to explore a curiosity. My motivation was the latter. I did however also come across many people who were in committed relationships. These couples would seek at these parties that which they didn’t get at home. There were women in straight relationships that were bi-curious and so would long to be with a woman. There were couples who longed to share one. There were women who wanted to have sex with several men at the same time and men who wanted to be with multiple partners. These are the places that they were open to do so. Places where sexual curiosity and the willingness to explore it were not only condoned or allowed but were in fact actually championed. Believe me, the more I looked, the more I found out that what is considered to be the norm’ for most people when it comes to sex in a relationship, was not the norm’ for everyone.

I found out that swinging’ as a social or leisure activity began during the sexual revolution’ in the sixties, an era renowned for its free love’ attitude. A time firmly steeped in a fight for peoples’ rights. Women’s liberation and civil rights and in amongst it all there was another fight; the one for sexual liberation. People fought for the right to explore their own sexual desires and appetites as well as those of others and to do so without fear of reprisals social or otherwise. The more that I delved into this unseen world and the more that I found out, the more I wanted to get involved.

I was in my early twenties when I attended the first of what was to become a fair few Swingers’ parties. I had been sexually active for years; years that had been spent learning and experimenting as best I could in your average or normal’ sexual relationship. I was, in my own estimation at least, hitting my sexual peak. I was now more confident than I had been in previous years and had overcome many an insecurity that would have stood in my way beforehand. I was in a great relationship with a sexy young Spanish girl with whom I had some of the best sex of my life so far. It was wild and passionate as well as experimental. We would talk openly about our desires and fantasies and though I found out that hers were a touch more intense than my own, I also saw a freedom in the honesty. Why should we settle for sex that leaves certain desires unfulfilled? But that being said, where does one go to explore these dark desires that we had now made real by speaking out loud? So we went in search of this sexual liberation and found it in the form of a friend of mine. This guy had been my friend for years and there were even times that we probably would have shared a girl and had a threesome if it hadn’t been for taboo and judgement (sexual freedoms worst enemy it seems). One evening I ended up talking with him at dinner as our girlfriends chatted on the other side of the table. To my surprise he told me that he and his girlfriend had been having similar conversations lately. We decided that we were too good friends to risk jumping into bed together and experimenting with each other’s better half and so we began to look for swingers parties’ in our city. There were a few to be found when we looked in the right places. We chose what looked like the classiest one and signed up eager to attend.

There we all were, dressed up and at the door of a large Victorian house on the edge of the city. This was beautiful. We were greeted with champagne as we joined a hall full of other couples which included some cheap London escorts, surrey escorts and some canary wharf escorts who all looked as excited and nervous as we did. First we talked and laughed with attractive members of the collective flock, then as the bubbles kicked in and the tension rose, the flirting turned to touching and kissing. The party was split into three areas, each more intense than the next. It being my first party, I only made it to the first room where sex with multiple partners was as steamy as it got. My girlfriend had moved on to the next room in search of that which we came for and left me in the care of three young women. Limitations tested and hunger sated, we reconvened a little later on and left the party in a quiet collection of smiles. The next day we got together to talk about it.

The discussion made me realize that if you are open and honest with yourself and your partner then yes, for the right couples Swingers parties’ can be very exciting indeed.

I Love The Variety Of Booking Escorts

Whoever said that variety is life’s most important spice must surely have known what they were talking about. It goes without saying that doing one thing over and over again will soon get boring. This is no different when it comes to romantic relationships. At least on my part, it is not different. It is my strong belief that every woman is unique and being the Casanova that I am, sampling different women has always been some sort of a mission in my life. You may think of me as some sort of a sex craved maniac and truth be told, you could be very correct. I am not going to pretend that I detest sex. I love it and if nature had not intended for us to love it, it would not have given us our bits “down there”. Besides, I am only thirty three and since I am smart enough to know that virility weakens with age, I will seek it as long as my body screams for it!

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My sex drive has always been overboard and since I had never met any girl who matched it, or even came close, my safe bet was to do away with relationships altogether. I thought it better that instead of cheating on my girlfriend by having my sexual satisfaction handled elsewhere, booking escorts would be it, and living in London, obtaining the services of an escort cannot be easier! London is a great city and it knows exactly what it should do to take care of her residents and visitors. My habit of booking London escorts particularly bromley escorts and west London escorts started a few months after my twenty sixth birthday. I had just broken up with a girl who I had dated for over two years. Because of the frustrations that I was having for being dumped, I was desperate for a means to relieve off the stress and get over the breakup. A close buddy of mine confided in me that the only sure way of getting over someone was to get under another. Which is exactly what I did, but this time, I was careful enough to look for a way free of drama. Hence…London escorts!

I am now almost thirty four and my appetite for London escorts has never been stronger! The main reason why I find it so much fun booking London escorts is because of the variety they come in. Because my taste in escorts keeps on changing on any day, I can see a different girl every night. If I feel like hooking up with a brunette or a blonde on any given night, the girls are there and willing. Whites, blacks, Asian, Latino… every spice is out there eagerly waiting to pamper me. If you are the kind of a man who only seeks a specific type of London escorts, poor you! You really have no idea what you are missing. You should go out there and try to expand your horizons. I like them different because they all bring different things to the table. It is a good way of learning, becoming exposed and getting tips on how to improve your game! Consider the pros of the following varieties and you will have no doubt that different is always so much better!

Truth be told, black women are the most voluptuous. They are naturally endowed with big asses that every straight man would kill to touch. Their boobs are a sight to behold and most of them do not require implants to be perky. They are just naturally appealing! Add that to the fact that they are tigresses in bed and you will understand why I have been booking the service of black escorts since I can remember.

White women have a reputation of being flat out daring and dirty. From the white London escorts that I have booked before, this is very true. They do not shy away from anything. And I mean anything. With their supple bodies and slim figures, it is not surprising that they are so bendy! From the experiences I have had with them over the years, they are the most daring and they do anything a client asks without hesitation!

Those who believe in the misconception that blondes are naturally dumb cannot be further from the truth. From my experience, some of the smartest London escorts I have ever booked were blondes. They are some of the most intellectual people and I have learnt a lot from them from some bits of the conversation that we have had in the past. I also find their golden hair a total turn on and the fact that they do not grey easily is one reason why they are so popular among clients in the London escorting scene!


Most brunettes are down to earth. They will tell it to you the way it is. If you are seeking the services of a London escort for the sole purpose of finding someone to accompany you to an event, or simply to vent about life’s frustrations, personal experience has taught me that brunettes are the type to go for. Although they can be equally as dirty when the situation calls, they are good listeners.
Although the above is just a small portion of the London escorts that I have booked so far, you can bet your last quid that my tastes and preferences go deeper than that. By booking a different escort every night, I open up myself to meeting new people from different walks of life and ethnicity. It is empowering. Not everyone can say that they have an attraction to people of every background. It also makes me more open-minded as I see beauty in all forms. It also goes without saying that this habit I developed ensures that I get to have more sex, and by seeking it from a variety of escorts, I rest assured that I can acquire it any time I want to. Having a widened pond also helps me to compare the services different escorts offer and this helps me in ranking them up. As such, depending on the situation I am in, I can easily make up my mind and decide on which London escort to have for the night. They are all there. Blacks, Whites, Asians, Latino, Blondes, Indians Brunettes…

This has been a fictional story from Charlotte escorts.

A London Escorts Visit To A Swingers Club

I grew up in a very liberal place where nudity, sex and alcohol were not frowned up. In fact, growing up, I never had any reason to think that any of these things should be cause for shame or embarrassment whatsoever. Even when i joined my London escort agency i never worried about losing the support of my close people. Our neighborhood was home to three different swingers club and my earliest memories are of me seeing happily married couples trotting along and gaining entry to these clubs where they doubtlessly had the best times! This is when my fantasy to visit a swingers club was born. I made a vow that once I hit legal age and found a willing partner, nothing would stop me from exploring the hidden wonders that swinger clubs are so famous for.

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By the time I left home and moved to a bigger town, I was twenty five and I still had not lived up to my fantasy. This is because I was still very single by then and the swingers clubs in my hometown strictly denied membership and entry to any single person. Since there was absolutely no hope that these policies were going to change in the near future, my only bet was to move out, get a job and if lucky, get a partner who was as willing as I was to indulge in this fantasy of mine. This is how my fantasy was born…

Our family has always been closely knit and growing up, I was surrounded by aunts, uncles, cousins and pretty much everyone within our direct family. Being surrounded by so many adults, chances were high that we the youngsters would overhear things that were “so adult” and completely not meant for us. This is how I first learnt about swingers clubs and the reason why they have such a name. It was from a conversation I overheard between one of my uncles and one of his coworkers. I was thirteen by then and I remember that I was having a fever that day, hence the reason why I had skipped school. Sleeping in my grandma’s guest room, my uncle and his coworker did not have any idea that their conversation was being listened to by an unintended audience. They were in the living room of my grandma’s house which was adjacent to the guest room where I was pretending to sack up. And the walls were paper-thin so I could clearly hear everything!

It was the coworker who booked gatwick escorts quite often who was narrating to my uncle about the experience he and his wife had had a while ago when they had visited a nearby swingers club. From his tone and from the way my uncle was hanging on to every word, my little brain could tell that whatever happened inside a swingers club, it was really wonderful. He went on to say how he and his wife had met a younger couple while there and how steamy things had gotten. The younger couple had completely taken an interest in him and his wife and since the attraction was mutual, it did not take long to set things in motion. The coworker went on and bragged to my uncle on how fulfilling and satisfying it was swapping partners. According to him, nothing had turned him on more than seeing his wife under the ministrations of another man! When my uncle promised to visit said swingers club with my aunt (his wife), that was the only reason I needed to convince me fully and to totally solidify my desire to visit a swingers club when I grew up. My uncle would have never promised to sign on on something evil, right?

I am now twenty eight and my understanding on swingers clubs is better. I have learnt that swingers clubs provide a safe environment for people who are visual and those who want intimacy to extend beyond the one they have with their life partner. I have also learnt that visitors are very liberal and as long as your partner(s) is willing, no one will judge you or bat an eye at how freaky you are! For someone who is a confessed voyeur and who loves getting watched while having sex, swingers clubs are my heavenly fantasy. Exchanging partners and trying out new things as well as exploring sexual exploits are things that have always acted like an aphrodisiac to me. And this I can easily find in a swingers club! Although I have not yet taken the dip, my fantasy to visit a swingers club has never been stronger!

I Love Booking London Escorts and Prostitutes

When I got married to her thirteen years ago, I never thought that there would come a time when I would entertain the thought of cheating on my wife, let alone do it with a prostitute! How things change and how life takes a turn on events that we never dreamt of. I have this deep feeling in me that I have to have sex with my wife in order to feel more connected. And the more sex I have, the better. But my wife’s biological faculties have decided to stand on the way, hence the main reason why I book sexy cheap escorts. This is how my habit of booking sex with escorts started…
I am a thirty nine years old man, married to a beautiful 37 years old woman. We got married thirteen years ago and together, we have two kids- a ten year old boy and a seven year old girl. During our early years of our marriage, our sex life was near perfect and ensuring that there was mutual satisfaction in bed was our top priority. We had heard about how the lack of sex had led to the collapse of many marriages and we did not want ours to add to the statistics. We were so comfortable and open with each other that no one shied off from initiating sex. Although we were at the peak of our careers (I was and I still am a law enforcement officer and my wife is a retired model), we made sure that we created enough time for sex in our busy schedules. Things started to fall apart after the birth of our second child. That is about six years ago.

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You see, when we welcomed our first child, we had only refrained from sex for three months after my wife gave birth. It thus took me completely by surprise when after the birth of our second child, my wife would reluctantly say yes to sex even after the third month mark had long come to
pass. I had at the time thought that she was probably experiencing some post-partum issues and that was probably why she was evasive when it came to sex. It took me over a year after this to realize that matters were complicated than I had initially thought. It slowly went from having sex four times a week to having sex only twice a week and within the past one year, only twice in a MONTH if I am lucky enough. Even then, our encounters are not half as passionate or satisfying as they once used to be. She now never initiates sex and when we are at it, she makes it completely obvious that she is not into it. It frustrates me so much because I feel as if I am forcing myself onto her. Now, it is always more like her stating,” Please hurry up and get done with. I want it over with before the kids wake up”. There is not even foreplay. She would not even kiss me. I am always the one who is trying to initiate any form of affection and even then, she always acts withdrawn.

It reached a point where I got extremely hurt, angered and resentful towards her that she sensed that our marriage was on the verge of collapsing. It is then that she fessed up to me that the problem was not me, but that her sex drive was declining, and fast. As much as I was relieved to hear that the problem was not with me at all, I was shocked. I mean-she was by the time only thirty three! Whose libido hits an end that early in life? I could not blame her for her low libido any more than I could blame myself for my insatiable sexual appetite. Plus, I loved and I still love her so much that divorce was out of the question. Which meant that if I wanted to seek for my sexual gratification as the need arose, booking sexy prostitutes was my only safe bet!

For all the women I could have gone out for, one would wonder why I opted for prostitutes or if i wanted to go more high class for companionship Chelsea escorts of all the people, right? The premise behind my reasoning was very simple. For instance:

No strings attached.
Prostitutes have an understanding that their clients do not book them for emotional connections. A prostitute does not expect any sort of emotional investment from their clients. This perfectly worked for me because I was and I am not looking for a substitute for my wife. The sexy prostitutes that I have booked in the past understand that I only seek them for my sexual gratifications and nothing more. Thus, there is no risk of emotional baggage.

Matching libidos.
I do not know how they do it but I have never encountered a prostitute whose sex drive was low. Unlike my wife who has a very low libido, all the prostitutes I have had in the past seem to have a libido that matches my own, if not stronger. This way, my encounters with them do not feel forced.
Unlike my wife who has become some sort of a eunuch, escorts like those from Croydon escorts for example are easily accessible and will readily service you any time you want to book their services. When we have sex, which happens once in a blue moon, my wife is very strict on when we have it. Daytime is a big no and
especially not when the kids are around. For someone with such a strong libido such as myself, my right hand can only service me enough times before I seek gratification somewhere else. I know that what I am doing amounts to cheating and that most people would consider me a terrible husband. Although my wife is unaware about my extramarital affairs, I highly doubt that she would have an issue about it. At one time in bed, she had jokingly said that I needed an escort for my  insatiable appetite in bed. If the tables were overturned and I be the one with a low libido, I would not hold it against my wife if she decided to seek gratification from male prostitutes. As long as she remembered that we are married…And as long as she remembered to use protection, just like I always do!

Is Foreplay Better Than Sex?

Most people widely believe that the only way a person can climax or reach an orgasm is only when they are having sex. If you are one of these people, you cannot be further from the truth. Why do I say that? Statistics have shown time and again that only one in three women is able to
reach an orgasm via sex alone. If anything, this gives a convincing reason that shagging itself does not take many women over the moon. If you are a man and you want to make your woman enjoy your intimacy as much as you do, or if you are a woman who would want to experience the thrills of an earth shattering orgasm, consider foreplay. Foreplay is intense, intimate and way sexier than sex. It is a game changer. So, what is not to love about it? If you are still not convinced, keep on reading this article. I have explained a dozen reasons why foreplay is way better than sex! Each of our area escorts give you a different reason as to why foreplay can be as good as or even better than the real thing.

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Escorts in Heathrow say you must  understand the joys of giving

When in foreplay, your focus is solely on your partner. You concentrate on their body parts which are giving them more pleasure. This is so much unlike sex where most people only concentrate on their personal pleasures or on reaching their orgasm. Foreplay gives you the chance to give pleasure to your partner and the result is an intimate experience that is mutually enjoyable and fulfilling!

Harrow escorts believe You are more likely to orgasm easily.

Mostly, sex involves only certain parts of the body getting into contact, that is, the genitals. With foreplay, any body part can come into play. Charlotte London escorts want you to imagine a scenario where the mouth, the tongue and the fingers come together with the goal of pleasuring you! The thought alone is enough to get
you powered and anticipating your orgasms!

Wembley escorts want you to understand that size is a non-factor.

Are you a size queen who has given up on pleasure because all your sexual partners are not adequately endowed? I have got good news for you. Foreplay. You see, with foreplay, the penis and its size does not matter. When your
man’s fingering technique are on point, who would give a hoot if he packs a chipolata?

Foreplay gives you a better understanding about your partner’s body.

I enjoy a good old fashioned shag as much as the guy next door does, but I also know that true intimacy goes beyond the act of inserting one’s jolly stick into a vagina. It is all about touching, kissing, exploring and discovering each other’s pleasure points. Trust foreplay to bring to your attention pleasure points that you never thought you possessed before.

Hertfordshire escorts think that with foreplay have no fears about getting knocked up.

With foreplay, you do not have to worry about getting pregnant. The fear that you may accidentally conceive is among the top reasons why many women do not climax during sex. With foreplay, you do not have to worry about this. This gives you a chance to focus on more pleasant things,
such as the wonderful sensations that you are deriving from the administrations of your partner.

You do not get sore.
To the person on the receiving end, any sexual encounter that lasts for more than half an hour could be a nightmare. Imagine yourself getting pounded continuously for such a period! Sores are obviously bound to result. And let us be completely honest here- When you signed up for sex, discomfort was the last thing in your mind, right? Nobody wants to experience walking difficulties after a long shag. So, what is the alternative to this? One word. Foreplay. With this technique, your intimate encounters can be prolonged for as much as you want them to last without fear that your parts down there will get severely sored up.

Lasts long enough.
Men, unlike women, are more easily and quickly turned on. What this also means is that men are more likely to finish off and orgasm long before women during sex. When a man orgasms, their manhood gets extremely sensitive, and any attempt to immediately get back to sex is nearly impossible. Now imagine the poor woman just lying there, all turned-on but her man has already climaxed and in no position to finish her off “sex wise”. On addition to that, sex can be very tiring. Now combine all these factors and tell me why it would surprise you that many sexual encounters do not last enough for the woman to climax. This is totally different from foreplay. Here, you get to use more than one body part. This prolongs the encounter and sees to it that every participant is satisfied.

It is a great tool for bonding.
Cheap London escorts want to propose that foreplay is more intimate and more personal. This is because with it, you give your partner complete autonomy to reach out and explore any part of your body with no limits whatsoever. Exposing yourself in entirety to your partner is the most convincing act of trust. More trust, more bonding. Now contrast it with sex. You can probably have sex with anyone you choose to. In fact, you do not even have to trust someone in order to shag them. But…would you willingly expose your most private parts to a faceless stranger for them to explore? Most probably not.

No limits at all.
Penile-vaginal sex is only possible if the man is spotting a hard on. If your man’s junk totally fails to rise up to the occasion, poor thing! No sex for you. Imagine the frustrations! The pains as you agonize over the fact that your man is no longer turned on by you. Stressful, right? Now,
with foreplay, whether your dick is interested or not is not in the least important. As long as you want to please your partner, and you are in the right mindset for the occasion, foreplay is calling out for you. As a woman, you should understand that even men have their own moments. Do not let a limp penis stand in your way to pleasure! Foreplay gets you totally heated. It gets you ready. It feels absolutely amazing and it awards you with orgasms which are explosive. It is a safe way of intimacy and yes, it is far better than sex!

Escorts in London Voyeur Relationship

Good quality sex is an important part of my relationship with my boyfriend. We are both rather adventurous and i am a sexy escorts in London that likes to have fun in bed. I have my own fantasies which I would like to fulfill, and I know my boyfriend does as well. This relationship, is the only relationship I have ever been in which has made me feel comfortable about speaking out about my sexual fantasies. As one of the best escorts in London i have the best sexual fantasies especially those that my clients like, for example BDSM. Before my relationship with my current boyfriend, I had always kept my dreams and desires to myself. It has been nice to be able to let them out to play for a little while, and I think it has in many ways enriched our sex life. For the first time in my life, I have come to realise good quality sex has a real feel good factor and can truly enrich your entire life.

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His Dreams vs My Dreams

My dreams are full of light BDSM and role play pleasures. For example i am sexy Heathrow escorts who moonlights as a prostitute and like to get fucked in the arse. I have never trusted any of my previous boyfriends to tie me up before or restrain me in any sort of way. Now, I feel totally comfortable about letting what I call my darker sexy side out to play. At first, my boyfriend was a little bit surprised, but now he enjoys the experience as much as I do. His personal sexual dreams are different from mine. You can only describe my boyfriend as a watcher. I was dancing a little bit too intimately with one of my girlfriends at a party not so long ago. All of a sudden, I became aware my boyfriend was watching us. His eyes were glazed over, and he was clearly in his own fantasy land. When I came back to the table, he took my hand and placed it on him. He was as hard as could be, and he whispered that he had enjoyed the experience. Would I do it a slightly different way?

New Sexual Horizons as a London escort

When we came home that evening, we spent an hour watching porn online. It is not something we normally do, but my boyfriend wanted me to look into his mind as he said. Soon, it became clear that he enjoyed men making love to other gents’ girlfriends. I was a bit taken back, but as I knew he would always fulfill my fantasies, I would be happy to fulfill his. How do you find the right sexual co-partner in a City like London, could i have asked one of my clients i met as London escort? I suggested to my boyfriend we check out some of the Swingers clubs in London. There are a couple of Swingers clubs in London such as Le Boudoir Club and the Hellfire club. The great thing about the Hellfire Club, is that the club arranges an event called Needy Girl Wednesday, which sounded perfect for us.

How to Join a Swingers Club in London

It is not so hard to join a Swingers club in London. Once you start looking around, you will soon realise there are a whole host of different Swingers venues. All of them work on a slightly

different basis, but in general, it is not very hard to join. You need to contact them before you turn up at the door, but they are all very welcoming as you will soon find out. Even if you are a visitor to London, you can join a club. But, if you are a single guy, you may want to bring an erotic model from one of the leading agencies in London.

Behind Exciting Doors in London

I was more than happy to take my boyfriend’s fantasies out and play with them a little. We spent some time contacting different clubs in London, and soon settled for one of the clubs. To get ready for our special night out, I went and had a complete body treatment to make sure I was nice and smooth in all of the right places. We also watched some videos on Swinging. That was great and I think it helped us to prepare a lot. After all, we wanted our first night out to be a complete success. About a week later, we were ready to go. I must admit we were both a bit anxious as we knocked on the door for the first time. However, we were greeted by a friendly host and hostess, and were soon wandering around meeting other selected guests. People at the club were very friendly, and fully happy to show us the ropes when we explained we were new to the Swingers scene in London. I did not think I would have the guts to go ahead, but a very nice man decided to break the ice, and introduce me to the many pleasures of Swinging. He did not mind as my boyfriend watched, and without realising it, I felt I was getting increasingly excited about the experience. Let’s put it this way, I suddenly knew what it was like to a needy and greedy girl. We stayed for a couple of hours exploring the many different pleasures the club had to offer. You will find themes are important within the Swinging community in London, and most clubs arrange special theme nights or have special theme rooms. When you go to a party for the first time, you may come away a little surprised. However, I promise you, you are very likely to come back home with a great big smile on your face. Swinging may not be for everybody, but I can see why so many people in London, or visiting London, enjoy it. Since that first experience, my boyfriend and I have been back many times. We have made some new exciting friends, and sometimes we meet up with them for the ultimate private dating experience. I love the sense of freedom our new lifestyle has given up, and I will admit, that being a needy girl kind of suits my naughty personality. Maybe it will suit yours as well. You never know what, or who, you will find behind exciting doors in London.

I Fantasise About A Threesome

My boyfriend works for this tech company out on Canary Wharf. It is a rather young company, and even the managing director of the company, is only in his late 20’s. To be honest, the MD of the company is one of the sexiest guys I have ever seen. When I happen to bump into him, I can’t take my eyes of his body, and the ways he moves turns me on like mad. He has got this dark almost sultry look about him, and I have always liked that kind of look. With his dark bedroom eyes, it feels like he can look into my soul.

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Sinful Dreams

It is a very friendly company to work for, and the staff spend a lot of their social time together as well. I am often invited out for drinks, and sometimes, the MD phones me up to make sure I am coming. I am not sure if he is just being friendly, or if he fancies me. Maybe he saw my old profile as an sexy Luton escorts on Charlotte London escorts. One thing I do know, is that I fancy him like mad, and he has even managed to make his way into my fantasies. The other night, I woke up around midnight. As I woke, I realised I had been dreaming about Nick, the MD of the company where my boyfriend works. I had been at this Swinger’s party in east London, and all of a sudden he turned up. He was wearing this white shirt which was open to the waist and a pair of nice dress trousers. It looked like he had been to the opera or something, and just undone his shirt because he was too hot. His upper body gleamed of a little bit of sweat. I stood here looking at him, trying to fight the urge to reach out to stroke his hairy chest and touch his nipples. I was so wet and horny I felt I had to take my Rabbit vibrator out and enjoy some personal satisfaction. As I laid there, letting the vibrator slowly bring me to a climax, Nick crept into my sexual fantasies.

Sinful Pleasures

I have never been to a Swinger’s party but it does not mean I do not have certain dreams and fantasies which I would not mind experiencing. When I was younger, I remember seeing this porn movie with two men and one girl. It looked so good, and it is one of those images which I have never been able to get out of my mind. For some reason it has stuck, and I think about the movie a lot. As I laid there, letting good vibrations overcome me and letting my fantasies wander in and out, I all of a sudden thought about Nick. I realised I wanted to experience a threesome with him, and I wondered if he would be up for that. There was no way I would like my boyfriend to lose his job, and Nick to think less of me. However, the thought of having a threesome with my boyfriend and his boss, stayed with me for the rest of the day.

Sexy Investments

I could not get the fantasy out of my head, and as I was having the day off from work, I decided to do a little shopping. A couple of hours later, I ended up in Soho checking out some sexy fantasy lingerie. I had never been to a sex shop in Soho, but my mind was now so focused on a threesome with my boyfriend and his boss, that I could hardly think about anything else. Anxiously, I eyed up my purchases. It was not the type of lingerie I would normally buy, and I had almost felt driven by some unseen force to buy it. I knew we would all be going out that weekend, and I wanted to have some special on. Hopefully I would be able to show Nick a least of hint of what I had on underneath my little black cocktail dress.

Sweet Confessions of a London escort Girl

That Saturday night, we all went out to dinner in this place we normally hang out in. Nick ended sitting on one side of me, and my boyfriend on the other. I felt as though I was already sandwiched in between, and found it hard not to hide my excitement. Desperately I tried to contain myself, but I soon realised both men sensed I was excited. I kept reaching out to touch my boyfriend, and every time I did so, I could feel Nick’s dark bedroom eyes look at me. From where he was sitting, he could easily see a bit of the lazy bra I had bought, and I wondered if he realised the two small discreet clips on my bracelets were nipple clamps. Could this possible get any better? My head was still full of crazy and intimate fantasies about the two men in my life. I dreamed of us having a threesome in a hotel room. Nice crisp sheets, and three bodies moving in unison. I was wearing my new sexy lingerie, and Nick had just helped me to put my nipple clamps on. I soon realised I was the star of that old porn I had seen so many years ago. Yes, I would love to have a chance to act that scene as a fantasy role play, but I did not know what Nick would think about me. Was he open minded to new adventures, or would he think I was a complete whore. I did not know, and decided not to take my fantasy any further that night, but the dream was still there. When we came home that night, my boyfriend and I had sex like we never had it before. He asked me what was up when he saw my new gear, and I told I fancied a change. As a matter of fact, I do believe I even got around to asking him if he would like to try something totally different with me. What that was, I am going to leave up to your own personal imagination… perhaps we will meet in fantasy land one day. Would you like that? I will make sure I bring my nipple clamps for that special touch.

Make Sex Interesting In Marriages

The most used marketing strategy has always been Sex Sells. I have heard this slogan and I believe that it is true, but have I ever stopped and thought about it? Why does sex sell? If I have a better job, new car, fresher breath, whiter teeth, shiner hair, or fancy cloths, will my chances of having sex be improved after 20 years? Or will Heathrow escorts, Luton escorts or croydon escorts be a better fit a passionate experience. Perhaps; but why will this type of advertising also work on people that already have a sexual partner?

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It is because sex is one of the most powerful motivator of human action known to science. For anyone that have done research about human needs know that sex is in the number one slot along with eating and breathing even after staying for more than 20 years with my wife.
Men’s response to aging caused by andropause, resembles women’s loss of fertility caused by menopause. In a younger age, female partner may have the complaint that ‘he finishes before I get aroused’ and in the old age, men may take a long time to get turned on. The arousal gets slow and the person may lose the stimuli immediately on slight distraction. A powerful erection becomes a tough thing and full-ejaculations get unfeasible. Less than nine percent of aging men think about supplements to empower their bodies, although holistic cures for the problem not only provide improvement in reproductive health but a complete renewal of body systems.

Sex will have a positive effect on every organ in my body including my brain and for the person like me who has a wife it can be the cheapest and most beneficial regiment I can get into as I age. There are a lot of chemicals and hormones involved in the lovemaking act and I am not going into the details here. There are plenty of articles written that subject and what I am trying to accomplish here is to get me to notice how it will affect me. Its like if I take a 500 mg tablet of Vitamin B at night before I go to bed, if I are paying attention to my body, I will notice an increase in my energy level the next morning.

The same thing holds true for sex. Do I notice a slight improvement in my energy level, stress level, outlook on life the next day? Of course I do. The trick is to take good honest look at how it affects my body and how long it lasts. If I are having sex only once a month and the effects only last a couple of days then I will obviously not get all of the possible benefits from it.

One thing I know is that after a period of time I will not be able to perform well after 20 years with my wife. There is a whole host of reasons why this happens and in most cases it is not important. What is important is it will require a sustained effort to increase the occurrences of the lovemaking act after 20 years. Now I can’t just go and jump on my wife anytime I like to have sex with her. I will have to discuss it with her and determine the level I would like both us to reach and at what rate I would like proceed.

If I am a reasonably health individual a low energy level can kill my sex drive faster than almost anything else. Taking vitamins and supplements to improve the blood supply or the ability of the blood cells to carry oxygen will help to improve the energy levels after 20 years.

If I am a drug addict I should stop as I age since drugs like caffeine and alcohol have severe effects on male sexual health. Regular intake of both of them may completely devastate a man’s sexual life, especially if he is already suffering from low libido. Cigarette smoking is also very harmful while sexual drive is concerned. Not only sexual health, it can badly affect my overall health.

Vitamin E supplies Oxygen to the heart and the other muscles in my body. Accelerates wound healing and aids in the functioning of the immune system.

I can also eat bananas: This posses an enzyme called bromelain. they can boost my libido. It also increases the energy of the body and also in production of sex hormone

Flavonoids are the brightly colored pigments found in most fruits and vegetables. When I consume them, they have antioxidant properties and have been associated with improved lung junction.

Hawthorn has an high concentration of anti-oxidants and can help remove toxins in the brain and can strengthens the blood vessels which helps get oxygen and nutrients transported to the brain as the brain is a powerful element when it comes to sex.

I should include enough protein in his daily diet. I should be careful about carbohydrate intake as it is not good for overall health as well as sexual health. Adequate amount of essential monosaturated fatty acids should also be included in a man’s regular diet chart. Since Provacyl is a good source of libido boosting herbs, I can regularly consume it for having better sexual health.

I should also have eight hours of sound sleep as sleep ensures proper and sufficient rest which is needed for maintaining overall health along with sexual health after 20 years. There is no alternative to adequate sleep. Sleep helps nerves to calm down. It helps my brain to work properly. And, as we all know, brain controls every physiological and psychological functions of human body including sexual activities. Sleep ensures relaxation and thus can help me to regain energy and stamina. Proper sleep also ensures good sexual health including longer libido and stronger penile erection. A natural libido enhancement pill can be tried out to revive stamina and restore libido so so to have a powerful sex exercise with my wife.
If I just feel that I need vitamins, supplements or herbs so that I make the sex with my wife more spontaneous after 20 years then I should find a good health care professional prior to taking any action.

London Escorts Or Prostitutes

Loneliness is a feeling that all of us would like to avoid at all times. Those who have been lonely and single for quite some time would know that it is a very depressing time in anyone’s life. If I am in London, I don’t have to be lonely anymore since London escorts will be my companions whenever I want just for conversation. Nothing can be more comforting and soothing than chatting with a woman. With so many escort agencies around, there is no reason for me to be lonely any more. Any time I feel depressed or blue, all I have to do is to contact an agency and I will be able to spend time with these beautiful and gorgeous London escorts. By having a conversation with escorts I will have a lot of happiness and color into my life and make sure that I never feel lonely, depressed or bored.

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Find A Companion Easily Whenever I Want
Although I may have friends, it is not possible to have someone by my side whenever I am not. However, London escorts provide their services round the clock and they will be able to spare sometime to chat with me no matter what time of the day or night it is. Only a few fortunate men have the luxury of enjoying the company of a young, sexy and very interesting woman whenever they want. Once I get to know these girls I will understand why they are so special. These London escorts are very beautiful and have perfect, toned bodies that can make anyone feel dizzy with sheer desire! If I want I can invite one of these girls to my home or to my hotel or even go out with one of them on a romantic date somewhere so as for me to have a good conversation with them.

These London escorts will do whatever I want. I can simply let them know about what I like and what I don’t and the rest would be taken care of by them. These escorts are quite experienced and they have been well trained by their agencies so they will now just what to do. London escorts are great companions since they are very friendly, warm hearted and have pleasing personalities that will instantly put me at ease. These girls will always lend me an ear whenever I want to talk about something and they will be by my side any time I need them. Good London escorts will be capable enough to serve all my needs with complete ease and professionalism so that I have nothing to worry about.

It is time that I try something new. It’s time that I make my nights different. The passion and the seduction of the London escorts is something that I should experience myself. They are not novelties. This escorts have been a constant offering of London escorts agencies since the escort industry boomed. Have I ever wondered why that is so? There’s only one reason why they are featured at the galleries of the top escort agency and they provide something that no other escort girls can give.

Whatever that is would be something that I should discover myself. Trust my needs in the care of the best London escorts agencies like Asian Selection.

Transsexual Escorts London for a Great Time

It is certainly going to be a great time for me to be in the company of London escorts. If I doubt that, then prove to myself that they are not worth my time. But to my disappointment, these London escorts are always ready for any challenge. No matter how negative my thoughts about them can be, they can reverse that easily. I’ll be surprised that I’m actually feeling very excited whenever they get near me.

Don’t pass up the chance to have something I can cherish. The experience provided by the escort London maybe all that I needed to put an end to all of the sensual cravings of my life. Set up a date right now. Asian Selection has the finest choices for me.

The offerings of London escorts are definitely one of the finer things in life. If hanging out with a beautiful girl is my way to end the night by chatting with them, I would definitely find the escorts in London to be the best addition to my circle of friends. These are the women who can give me the right dose of fun to cap the night away.

Pick a good London escort agency to handle my intimate needs. There are only a handful of good ones around who are ready to chat with me. I can’t really assume that every agency I encounter over the internet is good enough when it comes to conversing. Adequate scrutiny is required so I can reach the people who are truly capable of sustaining a good conversation.

Remember that I can avail of specialized London escort services anytime I wish. There are London escorts available from all corners of the city. But of course, I only want to be with the best. If I want to be with them, all I have to do is reach for the phone. But remember that I can’t just call any agency. I have to be picky with the London escort agency I are going to deal with. That is the only way that I can guarantee myself of a truly wonderful time.

The Right London Escorts Service for me

In summary, discriminating gentlemen are likely to spend endless hours searching for the right London escorts to date around just for sex. They want to be sure that the experience that they will get is perfect. And perfect means enjoying the services that they actually dream about every night. These dreams need to be realized precisely and exactly like they were played on his mind over and over again.

The escorts in London can provide me with 101 ways to be happy. This means that their special services can actually reach that count. With a London escort, I simply choose the experience that I want then request for it. And I am sure to have it exactly. The range of escort services that are easily available to me is seen on the profile page of the London escort.

Sex With My Wife Is So Boring I Crave For A No-Strings

I love my wife very much. I really do, but honestly speaking, having sex with her bores me to death. For the seven years we have been married, I have always tried my best not to have a wandering eye but I just cannot help it. I find my time browsing some of the best escorts in London websites looking at their dartford escorts, bromley escorts and ilford escorts pages. The fact that I find making love to my wife extremely torturous has driven me to considering having a number of several no-strings attached affairs over the years. I am in love with her as much as I was in love with her the day I married her. She is a very beautiful woman and an exemplary mother. I have tried everything I possibly can to spice up things in bed but nothing seems to do the trick. To me, having sex with her has become like eating from the same diner throughout one’s life.

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This has been bothering me so much such that last month, I confessed this to my best friend who was also my best man during our wedding. He told me that it would be wise if I broached the subject with my wife and then try to look for a solution together. I have not yet brought up this subject to my wife yet mostly because of two reasons: I know that it will terribly hurt her female pride and secondly, I fear she may decide to divorce me. I cannot risk any of that from happening because sex issues aside, I still love her. Why do I find sex with her so boring?

She is strictly conservative.

My wife is very old fashioned. This is mostly due to the fact that she was brought up in a strictly religious household with parents who hold dear every right-wing ideology. She treats sex as a mere necessity in marriage, not something to be enjoyed. When having sex with her, her mind is not into it 90% of the time. When I ask her why she does not concentrate or at least be in the mood, she gives me a sermon on why sex should not be enjoyed because enjoying it would mean surrendering to the passions of the body, a very big sin according to her. Shocking, right?

She only sticks with a single position during our love making sessions.

My wife is very rigid when it comes to having sex. For all those years we have been married, she has always stuck with the “missionary” style during sex. I find this extremely boring because it feels like doing the same thing exactly the same way over and over. It is like she cannot wait for the sex to be over and be done with. I have heard several sexually active women say that trying different positions in bed makes the experience more enjoyable and more fun. As a result, I cannot help but wonder if my wife is never interested in getting pleasured or that she simply treats sex as totally obligatory. I like my sexual partners very flexible in bed and not shying off from trying new different things and styles. Since no amount of convincing will ever make my wife try other sex positions, this makes our love making sessions totally mundane, forcing me to think of having my urges satisfied elsewhere. This is another reason why I am craving for those extra marital no-strings attached affairs.

She declines every time I offer to get her off.

I believe that for sex to be fulfilling and satisfying, the participants should reach the point of climaxing. Otherwise, what is the end goal of sex if not to get off? Tell this to my beloved wife and she would look at you like you have suddenly demanded for both of her kidneys. Every time we have sex, I am usually the first one to orgasm. When I offer to finish her off, she totally refuses. This makes me feel very selfish and like an under-achiever. It greatly dents my male pride that my wife would rather sleep than let me finish her off. At times, I have even been forced to withhold my orgasms, waiting for her to climax first before I am done. This has made the idea of making love to her again feel like a terrible nightmare.

Complains that I last too long.

Before I married her, I never had any idea that having sex had a time limit. Who in their right mind would wish that their sexual encounters do not last longer? What bores me to death when I am having sex with her is her numerous questions like “Aren’t you finished yet?” It feels like I am forcing myself on her. What should be noted is that I have never forced her in to having sex with me. Our sexual encounters are always mutually consented.

No foreplay.

Did I mention that my wife believes that sex is not meant to be enjoyed? Yes, she does. My wife believes that sex should take the shortest amount of time possible. She has never agreed to giving or receiving oral throughout our marriage life. This greatly dulls up our sex life because I believe that a little prep work sets a great way for a mind-blowing, nerve-shattering sex. The closest thing my wife has ever done to foreplay is kissing me moments before we have sex. She has never agreed to anything beyond that.

She is always passive.

I do not know if it is just me but I believe that for sex to be enjoyable and satisfying, all the partners should actively participate. I am sure my wife must have missed the memo. When we are having sex, she will not do as much as move a limb. She is completely passive and totally leaves me to do as I please. This I find extremely boring because it feels like making love to a log!

I could go on and on but the bottom line is that I find sex with my wife so boring that I cannot help but crave for a no-strings attached affair. I love her so much and since I would never divorce her, I think the only way to bring sparks to my sex life is having an affair outside of marriage, right?

I Love Seeing London Escorts

Over the last few years, I have developed an addiction I cannot seem to overcome. I am a businessman and I work in London. My addiction is that I have formed a habit of hiring the services of London escorts now and then. Although the services these escorts offer are exemplary and everything to die for, there is something that is making me feel extremely guilty-I am a married man. My wife does not know anything about this and I terribly fear for the day she will find out. I have only confided to a very close friend of mine who is also a co-worker. He told me that as long as it was only sex with no emotions involved, then it is not cheating. Is this really true? That it only amounts to cheating if you develop emotional feelings to the person you are cheating with? Here is my full story…

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I am 42, and my wife and I have been married for over thirteen years. We became sweethearts back in high school. We both live in London and we have two kids together aged seven and nine. For the better part of our marriage life, I believe I have been the best husband that I could possibly have been. I have a successful career and a job that pays really well. We always spend the holidays together and get to enjoy everything that couples in London do. On the surface, we seem to have everything that anyone could ever want, but underneath, our sex life is far from being ideal.

I am a very emotional, passionate and sexual person. I have a very strong libido which my wife cannot seem to fulfil. This is the main reason why I have been secretly loving hiring the services of the best professional London escorts. My wife is the polar opposite of my very nature. Whereas I am passionate and emotional, she is very cold-like and non-emotional. From time to time, I have described her as my “ice queen”. We are both physically attractive. Over the years, I have formed a habit of working out rigorously and this has helped me keep fit and be in a good shape. I look way younger than I really am. From the time I first saw my wife, I have always found her sexy and physically attractive. By her own words, she also finds me attractive, physically or otherwise. She is the type of a woman who puts her career first before her marriage. We have had major disagreements about this and more than twice in our thirteen years of marriage, she has chosen her work over my opinions and feelings. For me, this has always been a very sticking point and as much as I try, I cannot bring myself to forgiving her for it; another problem.

As you may have deduced from above, this has made our sex life very problematic. My strong libido makes me want to make love to her a whole lot more than she ever agrees to. Another problem is that she has never tried to initiate sex, ever! This frustrates me so much as it feels like I am begging her for sex. She completely gets turned on by me, and when we have sex, she gets completely satisfied. She at one time told me that as much as she enjoys having sex with me, she can do just fine without it. With my strong sex drive, I can have sex three times or more a day if given a chance, but my wife does not let me. We even go for weeks without making love.

My problem started three years ago when I attended a stag do for one of my friends. When there, I met this beautiful girl who turned out to be an escort in London. We had a really great time, better than I had ever had with my wife. After hooking up with her for several weeks, she introduced me to some of her girlfriends who are also in the London escorting industry. This is where my addiction for London escorts started. Why do I find them irresistible?

They put my needs first.

Unlike my wife who prioritizes her career over our marriage and/or sex life, the Heathrow escorts, Watford escorts or Essex escorts (depending on the area i am in) I have been seeing have always strived to please me. They put my needs and desires first and always make sure that everything I want is taken care of.


I think I am talking on behalf of all men out there when I say that variety is the spice of life. My wife will always be the way she has always been and will never change to suit my tastes. When it comes to London escorts, they all come in different shapes, sizes and races. My wife is white and blonde and as such, she will never fulfil my penchant for black, Latino or Asian women. With London escorts, I have been able to satisfy my tastes and preferences every single day the need arises.

They are professionals.

Like I said before, my wife has never initiated sex before. She has always waited for me to, even sometimes turning down my advances. The London escorts I have been with do not shy away from anything and they get down to business as soon as I give them the go-ahead signal and she is agreeing as a consenting adult.

I could keep going on but the bottom line is that as much as I love my wife, she can never measure up to the escorts that I have been with so far. Also worth mentioning is that I only seek their services because I find it fulfilling, convenient and easy. I feel no emotional attachments to any of the escorts and our rendezvous is a no-strings-attached kind of a thing. As much as my conscience keeps on telling me that I should not be doing this, my body completely disagrees. If only my wife is as receptive and as passionate as these London escorts! I do not want to bring our marriage to an end. And this brings me back to my question- Since I feel no emotions towards these escorts, am I really cheating on my wife, or have I just found a convenient, easily available means of fulfilling my needs?

Anything that happens with charlotte London escorts is between you and the escort as two consenting adult.

How Sex toys have really enhanced our sex life

One may think that having a normal life means that you are free from stress. But that is entirely wrong. Because of the many information and advertisement in media that displays unexpressed sexual desires, the tendency of individuals and couples is to feel stressed out because of their lack of experience when it comes to sexual topics and innuendoes like cheap London escorts and sex toys. Because of this, sex toys have been released. The purpose of these toys is to help release the stress that is building up in an individual using the most primal action everyone does; deprivation of sex can only be resolved by giving that person a pleasurable orgasm. Research has shown that having an orgasm has a positive effect on the human mind. During the time of orgasm, the mind is relieved of stress and therefore makes it feel more relaxed and comfortable. It is recommendable to have a daily dose of orgasm to maintain a healthy body and a healthy mind.

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Some of the ways on how sex toys have really enhanced our sex life are:

Assisted us when we become limited in what we have

Because your body will not be able to change dramatically due to your increasing age, you may be limited with what you have. There comes a time when you are craving for something new, something you have never experienced before. And then you become sad when your body cannot cope up with your needs. The answer is in the form of sex toys, which you may have been too afraid to try out in the first place. With the use of sex toys that come in the form of enhanced body parts or helpful paraphernalia, you will have a good time. The key is to get the right toy for you and use it effectively. Soon you will realize that you do not need to be limited by what you have. Instead, you can use supplementary tools so that you will have a good time with a partner or even alone.

Assisted gay guys

Gay couples sometimes have difficulties when it comes to sex because of the lack of the necessary body parts that they need. A large percentage of the total number of buyers of sex toys are gay couples because they need the lubricants, dildos, dolls and vibrators to get them by. Without these toys, there are only a few routines that they can do. Straight couples constitute a fair share of the buyers of these toys, with their need to inculcate fantasy into their everyday lives. Some may feel that the usual positions they do during intercourse are boring and that they want something different. Others are simply turned on by the idea of having a foreign object to give them pleasure. Even hard to please individuals submit to the power of these toys. If you are not convinced, you can buy a few toys and compare the result with your unaided trip to bliss. There is a significant difference in the way you feel after, as well as the reaction your body has to different stimuli. Because sex toys are engineered using the body’s natural tendency to react, these are sure to give you the right feeling. Compare that to a partner who is inexperienced. The answer is obviously in favor of aided orgasm.

Assisted in keeping a relationship tight

A newly married couple gets married then in their relationship sex life play a crucial role. For any married couple sex is very important phase which keep their relationship more strong either physically, mentally and even also psychologically. It helps to keep relationship more stronger. When couples come in this sex life their main motive to get pleasure and satisfied each other. The very important thing is that the couples are take interest into each other. Now days to get more pleasure there are lots of product comes in to the market like sex toy.Most of the people love to use it when their partner is away for long and they just want them and get more feeling of sex. Some time people try using the toys it in that occasions or places where there partner does not want to visit, like the back door. You may also gifted a sex toy to your partner if you away from her or and also for the moments you would be with her. When any couples start using a sex toy then there relationship become stronger

Luton Escorts say experience high element of pleasure

It creates different impacts on the overall relationship. These impacts include an element of pleasure and also an element of intimacy. These toys are created and designed to have the ability to add an element to the relationship and they can lead to an increased amount of cuddles and affection within the relationship.When you are going to use toys into your relationship it is best way to start off slowly and use it according to your interest and need. It is very important to understand that how to use it and why you use in your relationship and you need to create the foundation that why you need to use it and just do the preparation work. Introducing an outside element regardless of what it is can be very challenging. These toys can take your relationship to the very next level and this help to improve a relationship that is having some problems. There are a lot of relationships that have a serious lack of communication within the relationship and these toys can help to get things back on track.

If you try to buy a sex toy just also search online options. There are a lots of online sex toy shop are available When you are buying your lover a sex toy, you must choose it carefully. Romford escorts are particularly fond of the egg vibrator however it is always good when you buy something that they can use while you both are together also. These days, developers have come up with several designs and playthings that you might hear for the first time. Other than these, there are toys that you can buy for your partner, which can be worn for the entire day. Starting from vibrator underwear to cock rings, anal beads, and various dildos you can gift your partner anything that you think would keep them horny throughout the day. So that when you two meet again, they are gasping out of breath and need you desperately. Needless to say, the lovemaking that takes place is by far the best you have dreamed of.

Can A Sex Addict Be In A Committed Relationship?

Addiction to sex is only one small step away from being passionate about it. Every living being except for some specific category of humans has to have sex. Escorts in London ask how much is too much of sex? One’s too much might be looked at contemptuously by another. The simple answer is there is no scale to measure the level of addiction to sex.

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A Committed relationship

A committed relationship essentially means – at least in the conventional sense – that you stick to one man or woman as the case may be. Though, grudgingly no doubt, a furtive look here and an open staring there at someone other than your better-half may be tolerated some times by the said better-half. Only, be very careful not to exceed the limit that your partner has drawn and you have been instructed not to cross the line of.

Escorts In London Want To Look At Understanding the Sex Addict

On the other hand, there are some very understanding people who do not mind their partners being obsessive with sex as long as they get their quota but these gentlemen or ladies are a rare species.

So how does a sex addict commit himself/herself to a one-to-one relationship? How does it impact the people like relatives and friends in general and his wife in particular?

Types of Infidelity

The effects of one’s greed for sex, though one may not accept the presence of it in him, make life hard for one’s partner. Infidelity these days can take many a form. Watching pornography, sleeping with prostitutes or thing to sleep with Gatwick escorts or Stansted escorts and going off to a wonderland wherein the watcher is surrounded by the choicest objects of his desire or boldly engage in online sex or episodes like the infamous phone sex indulged in by, wait for it if you did not already knew it, Kenny Rogers, all represent infidelity for a sizable number of people.

Blaming Oneself

The victims of betrayal might sit down and think through all the small things that happened within the relationship. Some long-forgotten inconsequential happening might take the form of a monster and threaten to destroy the relationship. Their shattered hope that the partner would have turned a new leaf might impact upon them to take strange and quite unreasonable actions.

Extreme Action

Have you heard of the lady, Lorena Bobbitt? At last count, she is only one of the 23 women who put a sharp knife to good use and cut off their husband’s/boy friend’s penis, no less. This is a fate no one possibly can relish happening to him.

Patience Does It

But these are only a few. Others review the situation and try to find a way to reform the perpetrator. With tenacity and patience, many women have succeeded in doing this. The first of their concern is how to make their partner stop lying about his discretions. No matter how many times the offending indulgence has taken place, when he talks about it to his trusting and tolerant wife, the patience and sincerity his wife has shown is sure to rub off on him and make him realize that he had better take stock of his activities and change for the better.

Stockholm Syndrome

There is also a variation of Stockholm syndrome at play in the minds of some women who have been cheated no end. They tend to put some blame on themselves for the unrestrained behavior of their husbands. The remorse they feel makes them sympathetic to their husbands. For all one knows, it may be completely misplaced and it may not be justified in many cases. The point is, reconciliation can be facilitated based on their belief; for better or for worse but hoping for the best.

The victim’s own look plays a big part in her resigning herself to her husband’s misdemeanors. Every woman past her 30s goes through some undesirable but unavoidable body changes which her partner may find irritating. A look-conscious woman often looks at the mirror on the wall and without the need to ask the age-old question, knows she is not the most beautiful woman in the world; in fact, not even in her neighborhood. She then starts asking the question, “Am I the reason for his straying?” The question looms large in her mind almost always and the self-flagellation starts. She accepts her husband, wart and all. And, the partnership is solidified once again.

Escorts ask Why Lies and More Lies

Let us once again talk about the lies the sex fiend tells. Betrayals take place all the time at all places and in every walk of life and every relationship. In which relationship is there an inherent element of lies? It is the marital relationship. This relationship is based on NOT telling lies about anything, especially the couple’s loyalty to each other. The loyalty factor is built over time and grows into a bulwark against trespassing. Lies put a definitive end to all that has taken deep root of and life itself becomes hard to live. The consistent lying can devastate a woman and self-pity may take over. A suicidal tendency may develop in her. A one-off lie about one-off affair does not constitute the same impingement as do routinely conducted affairs.

The grandiosity with which the affected spouse accepts the partner’s going back on the marriage vow is laudable. All the same, it is impossible for her not to feel betrayed, hurt and angry. She might be given to acting confused about things, not necessarily to do with her husband. It is important that the members of her family and friends make it a point to visit her whenever possible and provide her a shoulder to cry on.


Repent Yourself or Seek Help

However, unless the sex addict repents, it will be back to square one as far as the relationship is concerned. Constantly seeking solace in sexy st albans escorts A psychiatrist’s help may be sought. It is a good idea for the wife to go through her own therapy of recovery in the same place as her husband.

There are organizations such as as Co-Dependents of Sex Addicts (COSA) and S-Anon which have healing programs. A sex addict can get himself enrolled there and get himself reformed or, if he is adamant, the relatives and friends may persuade him to go through the program for his/her good.

I’m a sex addict, my girlfriends think i like sex to much but i can’t get enough

I have had a girlfriend for about three years now and I have a problem. I need too much sex. A lot of people assume that this means that I am just horny all the time and that is partially true but the fact of the matter is that I don’t just want sexual experiences, I need them. It’s almost like I can’t function without it.

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I have sex with my girlfriend about three times every day, and it’s not nearly enough. After the third time she tells me that she is too tired to do it anymore and I understand completely but I just can’t help it! She thinks that I just like sex too much, but if only this were true. I like donuts too, I love pizza, but if I don’t get these things every day I am going to be just fine. I might have a bit of a craving for these things but it doesn’t affect my day to day life in any way.

Sex is different. If I don’t masturbate or have sex for two hours I start to lose concentration, I have to get the poison out of me otherwise I would not be able to focus on work or whatever it is that I am doing in that moment. Since my girlfriend naturally can’t handle my sex drive, I have turned to London escorts.

I feel really guilty about it, but at the same time I kind of love it. London escorts are so sexy, and there is so much variety to be had here! I can choose the kind of London escorts that I want and that is the end of that, and this makes it easier for me to satisfy my addiction.. They are expensive but money has never really been an issue for me, I have always been quite privileged. This is why I am so eager to jump on this opportunity.

A lot of people would probably judge me for this, but I am not doing this just because I want to cheat. I love my girlfriend, I want her to be in my life for the long haul. I just can’t stop myself from needing sex. I have tried to get treatment for it time and time again but people don’t believe me, they just think what you all are probably thinking right now, that I am a terrible person who has no problems cheating on the people he is dating. I keep trying to assure people that this is not the case, I keep trying to tell them that in reality I am very faithful to my girlfriends. Even with the London escorts or hounslow escorts I don’t stick around, I get rid of what’s distracting me and get right out of there because I can’t bear the guilt of what I am doing. It’s only before I do it that I feel anticipation, and it’s not even because I feel horny it’s because I know that afterwards I will finally be able to think straight for at least a couple of hours.

Even if I didn’t have money I would be going for London escorts, except I would be going for the cheaper variety. If you have never seen the cheaper kind of London escorts trust me when I say that you are really lucky, because they are not very attractive at all. I would still go for them because I need it, and this should show you just how much this addiction is ruining my life.

This is starting to take a toll on my body. I can’t think straight, I can’t work properly, I can’t hold down a job. It’s starting to physically hurt because the act of sex is physically exerting and I don’t want to have to deal with this. My body is starting to get malnourished and I feel like if I keep doing this I am going to lose everything, and I am going to end up injuring myself in some way. I am afraid that this might cause a physical illness of some kind. Maybe if that happens people will start to believe me.

My girlfriend is starting to get very suspicious of me. She keeps asking me where I go every evening and why I often don’t answer her calls. It’s because I am with a London escort and i see a whole load of them from London escorts to dartford escorts and ealing escorts at that time. If she ever finds out she is going to break up with me, she is never going to understand that this is not something I am doing out of lust, it is something I am doing because I have no other option.

I am actually considering getting surgery done to reduce my sexual urges. The only problem is that I don’t want to stop having sex completely, I want to be able to have it in healthy amounts. I think the main thing is that I want to want it, not need it.

I have been experiencing this level of sex addiction from a very young age, and in the beginning I thought that it was normal because teenagers are supposed to be horny all the time. The only problem is that it was worse for me than it was for the other guys, and in my case I never grew out of it. I feel ashamed of myself all of the time, and I feel like I am a worthless human being.

This addiction is something that I have no control over. Everyone I say this to tells me that they are jealous of me, tells me that I am lucky to be able to have sex so often. If only they know that no part of this is fun for me in any way. If only they knew that this addiction is making it impossible for me to have any kind of a normal life. I wish that there was some way for me to get out of this situation I am in. I wish that there was some way for me to fix myself, but I feel like in my case there is no hope.

These Tips Would Help Turn You Into a Pro to Become More Kinky in Bed

Having sex is fun until it gets boring. And how do you bring back the spice in the bedroom especially if you want to heighten up your pleasure and that of your partner? Well, this is where experiment comes in.

There are many ways to get more naughty in bed for better sexual satisfaction. And if your sex life has been experiencing a major drought this past few years, then it’s time to turn over a new page and get really kinky once and for all.

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Take note that if you will be getting the services of escorts in London, then you need to take on your sexual power to the next level. After all, you will be pleasuring someone who has much experience in terms of sex and intimacy.

Escort services leaves you the convenience of a non-judgmental sexual encounter. But if you want to get a little bit overboard with your skill, you can learn a few tricks that can help you pleasure not just escorts in London, but the general population of females as well.

Here are some ways to be ultra-sexy and irresistible in bed.


Kinky Ways to Spice Up Your Sex Life In and Outside of the Bedroom

1. Roleplay. What’s your favorite sexual fantasy? You might have your own set of fetishes which are capable of turning you on in a snap, and it’s time to immortalize and carry it out into reality. Do you get turned on seeing women in anime costumes? Or do you have fantasies of making out with a nurse?

Well, these are just some of the few fetishes London escorts have, and maybe you have your own list that you’ve been fantasizing on for too long. The key is to talk it out with your partner and compromise to mutually agree on pleasuring each other. So, go ahead and buy that costume! Save it for the next session.


2. Use toys. Sex toys are created for pleasurable reasons and it would be a shame not to try them out at least once in a while. Dildoes, vibrators and anal beads are just some of the most popular ones but you can also try out new, uncommon toys such as a bondage kit (if you are into BDSM), a penis ring for males, butt plugs or massage candles if you’d like to heat things up in bed before taking the final plunge.


Nowadays, more and more inventions are becoming popular. Some vibrators can be synced to your playlist with beats rhythmically matching every pulse. There are also dildoes that can be molded into different phallic forms and shapes. Set a budget and go right ahead to an adult store.


3. Experiment new positions. It’s time to ditch the same old missionary. There are countless other positions to pleasure someone. Placing your partner’s legs on top of your shoulders while thrusting fully deep can guarantee an extra level of penetration. You can also instruct your partner to go for a reverse cowgirl position to get a great view of her bum. Of course, these aren’t entirely unique but these are good alternatives.


You can go full on with a wheelbarrow if flexibility and endurance is not an issue or maybe a little bit of bumping in the wall just to get out of the ordinary. You don’t have to go full pornstar level with this one, but a little change of position every now and then could lead to exciting surprises in the bedroom.


4. Use food. Do you have some whipped cream lying around or maybe some sprinkles and cherries? Why not use them for pleasure? Place these foods in erotic spots for a double-purpose eating spree.


A woman’s erogenous zone includes the nipples, pubic area, navel and toes. You can also spread some cream on the ribs for a ticklish feel.


5. Try out new places. It’s not just the same old position that needs a makeover, but the bedroom as well. Ever had a quickie in a public place? The excitement of having to climax in a place where anyone else could come barging in anytime makes public sex one of the highly gratifying experiences you could ever have. However, proceed at your own risk!


Parks, cinemas, hotel restrooms and even a quickie inside your own car are just some of the popular places to do the deed. If you want to go a little bit extra, a mile high club experience could be the ultimate bucket list. This is one kinky experience that deviates from the boring four walls of the bedroom.


6. Talk dirty. Turn up the passion with some hot sexting spree before proceeding right up to the main event. Tell your partner how much you would like to eat out each other’s goodies and describe them in full detail. You wouldn’t be surprised to see your partner rushing back home straight out from the office – and in a hurry!


7. Embrace porn. Porn helps you unleash your sexuality to the fullest of its potential. Watching porn could be overrated for some but when utilized together with your partner, it could help prime up everything and even serve as an inspiration for you to try out new ideas that would make great naughty sessions in the bedroom.


Watching porn while sipping on a glass of wine could turn you on and your partner, making it easy to proceed to foreplay since both of you are already aroused and ready to get down to business.


8. Eat it out. Of course, sex wouldn’t be complete without eating each other out to climax. Eating is highly gratifying and climactic. It’s one of the best ways to turn on the right spot, stimulate sensitive nerve endings and get everything ready before the actual pounding.


Give that tongue a little bit of exercise and experiment on some nip and flick motions that could leave your partner shuddering and begging for more.


9. Massage it the right way. Learning how to rub and massage your partner in the right spots could relax tensed muscles and make it a great activity for a foreplay. So, the next time your partner is feeling tired, you can still turn on the heat and make everything sizzling in the bedroom with some rubs and squeezes.


Make Sure Your Partner Is Game for Everything

Kinky is a subjective term that demands an open mind, more experimentation and of course, approval from your partner. You shouldn’t try risking something you and your partner aren’t comfortable doing in the first place.

And if everything turns right, you’d find all these choices capable of turning you into a pro in the bedroom in no time at all. Say goodbye to a boring sex life!

Getting London Escorts Despite Having a Wife? It’s Not What You Think

Escort services are quite common all over the world and London is no exception. Escorts, provided by agencies, are usually dispatched for a certain fee which the client must pay according to the terms of services. Despite the controversies surrounding this kind of industry, a lot of people still utilize escort services for a lot of reasons.

An escort can be requested as a companion when going out in public events, having dinner, heading out on a trip or mainly just holding conversations on variety of topics. Payment maybe done before or after the said occasion depending on the terms of the agency. Meeting places would include hotel rooms, or each of the two parties’ residences, depending on the agreement of both individuals involved.

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Maybe it’s the passion that’s lost or you and your wife are too busy with your own work or commitments, that you don’t have time to go out, have fun or even share the same experiences like you used to do. And since escort services are quite popular but in a clandestine way – you can still find this new companion interesting to hang out with, without all the complicated attachments.

Let’s dig deeper into the matter.

Some Reasons Why Some Married Men Prefer Escort Services

· Escorts are physically attractive. Escorts wouldn’t be that in demand if not for their highly attractive faces. Since escort services aren’t that cheap to say the least, men by nature would preferably spend their money on someone they could gaze appreciatively into, whether it is a beautiful face or a good figure.


· Intimacy feels gratifying. You may have had some personal intimacy issues that couldn’t be fulfilled by someone close to you – not even your own wife. Having an escort can give you another set of experience that could help you test the waters and even feel intimacy on a different level from what you are accustomed to.


· Company is everything. If you are someone who have just undergone a major crisis at work without someone understanding you well even your own partner, you would need someone that could offer you comfort on some level. Whether it is a hug or a kiss, having someone to offer physical comfort and even listen to what you have to say can give you the solace that you need to make you feel better.


What’s good about this is you can go for hours to an end talking about your life without boring the other person out, simply because it’s a part of their service to keep you company and listen to what you have to say the whole time.


· It boosts the ego. Having someone young and gorgeous walking beside you on social events can make you fill attractive, hence, boosting your ego, even if your wife is too busy with her own personal commitments. While this is all for a show, it could still somehow help you establish a solid reputation in being physical capable of attracting someone from the opposite sex.


· It offers a thrill of going out with someone unfamiliar yet interesting. Too much familiarity could be boring and you want to go out with another member of the opposite sex who could offer you a new thrill. A new face for a company accompanied by another novel experience could help break the monotonous cycle of your daily life.


· It could be your first time. If you haven’t gotten out on a date for while, you’d feel comfortable with a London escort who could accompany you on a dinner or social gathering without you feeling shy about your awkwardness or inexperience.


Escorts are paid to be your companion and even if you don’t know how to properly act during a certain occasion, it would still be fine and acceptable.


· It helps you feel young. Going out with someone new would help you remember the days when you have to prepare yourself for a date. There’s this sense of thrill, excitement and nervousness that is so common especially during your younger years. You’d be forced to put on your best foot forward, dress on your smartest attire, and shave yourself to appear neat and clean.


· There is no judgement. Escorts have no way of knowing about your private life, unless you intend to tell them about yourself. It doesn’t matter what’s your past, what you have experienced in life and what you’ve done during the recent years in the eyes of a stranger.


You won’t be forced to share every detail about yourself and you can basically be sporting another identity if that’s what makes you feel comfortable. Also, it is part of the agreement for escorts to be free from biases and judgements as much as possible.


· There are no attachments. Some women would usually demand more or even set a certain level of expectation especially after you both have gotten out on a date. If you are a man who doesn’t like to be attached to someone other than your wife, an escort service could be that “no strings attached” person to call to every time you want someone for company. This way, you can be yourself and even have the choice to schedule for another date or not – no pressure.


· You have all the control. How the date goes about is entirely up to you. Just as long as the escort knows about your plans and you have already set a certain amount of payment according to the terms of the agency, then you can determine what happens next during your appointment. You can be whoever you want to be, everything is basically up to your preference.


· You don’t want to waste your time. You can meet an escort and even enjoy each other’s company under a specific length of time. This is ideal especially if you are a busy individual who doesn’t have enough time to go through the slow process of learning more about someone after a couple of dates. You only need one where you can fully maximize your time and even go about your daily life free from attachments the next day.


Should You Get a London Escort?

Getting the services of a London escort can offer you a lot of conveniences especially if you are someone who wants company after everything at home is becoming more and more complicated and awry. Having someone to hang out with and listen to what you have to say can be a convenient compromise without all the attachment and complications.

Does the Absence of Sex Deteriorate Relationships?

Sex fuels the passion in a relationship, mainly because it offers one of the most intimate ways to show affection and love to a partner. However, due to some reasons, a relationship may experience sexual abstinence at some point in time.

The absence of sexual intimacy in a relationship may depend on the different factors involved. If you and your partner haven’t done it in quite a while, you might be promoted to ask yourself a couple of questions. “Is this normal?” “Is there something wrong?”

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Some couples may be experiencing the same thing, although only a few openly admit to being abstinent from sex due to the discomfort of being questioned, interrogated or pried on by other people. After all, couples are accustomed to sexual intimacy and not having it for quite some time may seem like a taboo for some. Leading some to cheat on their partner with some of the sexiest outcall escorts in London


The Role of Sex in a Relationship

1. It offers intimacy. Being naked in physical union with your partner offers a sensation unlike no other. There are no barriers, no inhibitions and no reservations during sex. A feeling of oneness and total connectedness fuels a relationship to the hilt of passion. It may seem like the union of bodies, but it transcends the ordinary through a connection that goes way beyond the physical.


2. It offers spice to a relationship. A sexual union helps satisfy the feeling of excitement, adventure and discovery when it comes to pleasure. You seek to please and be pleased. Physical pleasure is a mood booster and having physical intimacy with your partner leads you to seek better and newer ways to satisfy each other.


3. For some, it is a form of security.Physical intimacy may be a form of security for some people. You feel loved and needed by your partner. However, once the bed turns cold and your relationship goes awry, thoughts of insecurity may start flooding in.


What if your partner is interested in someone else? What if you cannot fulfill his or her needs? Is there something wrong with you? Is there something else you don’t have that makes your partner uninterested in sharing a bed with you? These thoughts of insecurity can eat you up inside, especially if you and your partner used to do it frequently. Would he or she prefer to book Essex escorts for couples and have a threesome.


Some couples see sex as a sign that their partner is still interested in them. The real challenge comes in when physical intimacy stops and dwindles, thereby causing plenty of emotional issues going out into the surface.


4. It is an ego-booster. The feeling of being adored and appreciated by a partner gives an instant boost to the ego. As shallow as it may sound, some couples are guilty of cheating especially when their partner fails to satisfy their ego in and out of bed. This may lead to one partner going elsewhere for ego gratification. This can be highly crucial and may affect the relationship in the long run. Some partners love to book charlotte London escorts as they really know how to boost your ego.


Other Factors Why Sex Might Dwindle in a Relationship

1. Tiredness or lack of energy. Women are more tired in engaging in physical intimacy activities especially after pregnancy. This is due to a lot of factors such as a change of hormones, post-labor depression, insecurity, and a process of healing as the body returns back to its usual form.


Some couples reported this event as one of their lowest points especially in terms of sexual intimacy. A woman’s libido tends to drop, resulting to a stagnant sex life that could affect both partners for a couple of months. Post-delivery period is also a stressful event for a mother considering that breastfeeding and taking care of a baby could eat up too much of her energy.


2. Priorities or lack of time. A busy career and an equally demanding life at home can be a major factor why couples experience a sudden drop in sexual intimacy. In between working, taking care of kids and doing all the household chores, having sex could mean an additional time investment for busy couples.


3. Physical disabilities. Due to the presence of some disabilities caused by illness or accidents, sex in a relationship could seem next to impossible. Soldiers who have acquired physical disabilities during war and individuals who encounter illnesses that hinder them from having physical union with their partners are just some of the few cases that fall in this category.


4. Distance. Due to separation, long distance relationships experience a lack of physical intimacy with their partners. However, due to the growth of technology, partners can still enjoy cybersex or even sexting through the internet. However sometimes distances can be a problem if you are in London and your partner is in Watford it might be easier to book one of the best Watford escorts to keep them company rather than Skype you every night.


The Bottom Line

The absence of sex in a relationship can be attributed to a lot of factors. However, it all boils down to the foundation of a relationship and how both partners perceive the importance of sex.

The absence of it can deteriorate a relationship especially if acts of physical intimacy are seen as a valuable way of expressing love, security and affection. Sex plays a crucial role in adding fuel to the passion of a relationship. However, it shouldn’t be seen as the only way of expressing love to a partner.

There are many ways to engage in physical intimacy without having to consummate the experience with bodily union. Married couples, especially those who have already survived various milestones in the relationship, see companionship as a more lasting foundation especially when growing old together.


How to Deal with Problems Associated with Sex?

If you and your partner are experiencing an absence of sex in your relationship for quite some time, it is best to talk it out and be open about your needs and opinions to each other. Delve deeper into the issue and ask yourself if there is really something wrong going on or not.

Understand that you and your partner’s sexual needs can be affected by factors such as energy, time and priority. If you sense that something is not right, it’s best to talk it out with your partner. However, if there isn’t really an issue, keep in mind that every relationship flows in different ways.

A healthy relationship may or may not need sex to complete it. It is a matter of dealing with other issues to make sure that the relationship doesn’t fall apart just because there is a lack of physical intimacy.


Having sex is an important part of every marriage and relationship yet at times having sex with the same person can sometimes make one tired and sick. Every couple fights to keep their relationship going for a long time so when their sex life starts experiencing problems they look for ways to spice it up one of the ways couples use is having a threesome.

London escort services allow their clients to be intimate with their opportunity such as this are really helpful to people who don’t want to go out searching for partners to pay and sleep with having a threesome is an extreme measure to some measure since it means being intimate and doing private things with a stranger.a person who is not comfortable with being intimate with their escorts can make a familiar environment by inviting their partner to come this helps them to be themselves and hence not making the session awkward.

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Adding zing to complexion’ sex life by having a threesome with a London escort can be a little intimidating for first-timers and this calls for having mutual ground among the three members.A leader is an important part of every group and in this case, the escort should be the leader since he is more experienced and confident.the leader is there to teach new ways to the couple and also to guide. A person should know him/herself and their desires this helps to know the dos and the don’t.the leader should see that everyone is comfortable and their desires are satisfied.styles to be used should be such that every member is comfortable with it and participates willingly.

The leader should make sure the member are conversant with the new styles they will introduce before starting officially. The participants also are expected to follow the rules played down before them to avoid any inconveniences that may arise as a result of breaking them all members should feel relaxed so as to ensure they enjoy the threesome reality.Having a threesome help to strengthen bonds between couples since before they decide to participate in it. They should have talked and agreed to do it.agreeing to a threesome means one trusts their partner band also the escort involved .this level of trust is high since its doing something private and intimate with a stranger. Cheap London escorts being experienced should talk with the partners and be sure they are both into it.Having a threesome to please the other may bring many problems to the relationship since it means one is being forced into something they don’t want and don’t agree to the also a relationship which suffers from insecurity issues can not be helped by a threesome.only couples who really trust each other and have a strong mutual bond between them should practice a threesome otherwise, it may cause great repercussions to the relationship. Before any couple invites an escort should ask themselves questions whether they will be able to look at their partners the same way after that day, also are they ready to share their partner with another?are they ready to share their most private and intimate part of their life with a stranger and many others.

If they are OK with and they have no problem they can go ahead since once you have a threesome there is no going back and love life changes. London escorts may be a person familiar or a stranger ,choosing a threesome partner depends on the couples preference whether they want a stranger or a person they are familiar with.some prefer a new person since there are no strings attached and they can do anything given its a one time thing, others go for familiar people to bring a comfortable environment. A partner also depends on ith who wants and suggested the idea of a threesome, If it’s the man then probably the escort will be a lady and if it’s the woman the escort may be a man.a threesome should involve every participant to avoid one feeling out of place and to make sure everybody is satisfied.

London escort services provide one with a choice, who you want from your preferences in height, its complexion, hair color and others .choosing what one wants makes the threesome fantasy come true. Safe sex should the priority of the experience whet hit’s two women one man or two men one woman.this may help avoid repercussions such as catching sexually transmitted diseases or even getting pregnant which should not happen.

London escorts love engaging in threesomes with men and women.Escorts can either meet you in a hotel lounge or they can come to your matrimonial bed.The girls offer both incall and outcall escorts services where they can meet you at any place you choose.This flexibility helps couples since the girls can meet them wherever they are.Organizing a dinner date is a good way of getting to know your escort.Both you and your partner will get to know her over over a meal and casual chat..Once you get to know your escort you can decide together whether you would like to take it to the next level.London escorts cater for everyone’s need in that they are bisexual hence both partners will be involved and be satisfied.They are also experienced hence the style they bring in the bedroom will be new and they know how to make both men and women interested during the session.This help spice up things in the bedroom hence help keep the sex life in the relationship on fire.A threesome is every man’s fantasy but it’s also some women’s fantasy, the idea of having two naked women usually has an arousing effect both partners.London escorts to ensure that there is no jealousy between the couple since the have no preference, this helps avoid the repercussions that may arise the next day when the couple has to face each other.A threesome spices up sex life in a relationship, but it has severe consequences if there was no high level of trust between the couple and also if one of the members has low self-esteem and has high levels of insecurity.

Escorts In London Discuss Why Passions Disappears From Relationships

Being passionately in love with a significant other is very common during the first few months and years of a relationship. However, over time, the flicker ceases to sizzle, and both partners are stuck in a monotonous relationship that has gone way past the honeymoon phase. Where did all the passion went to? What happened to the knot in the stomach upon seeing your partner? Charlotte escorts in London vixens tries to investigate why this happens.

Passion keeps the relationship alive. It gives both partners a feeling of eagerness and excitement in being with each other. However, due to some reasons, it seems to fade after some time.

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Escorts in London know relationship experts claim that after one to three years, the spark in a relationship starts to disappear. Partners find themselves losing the eagerness and excitement which is commonly at its highest peak during the start of the relationship. This is usually replaced by feelings of over familiarity and a sense of monotony as interactions become repetitious and boring.

Escorts in London think the loss of passion can be attributed to a lot of reasons.

1. Knowing your partner “too much.”Although knowing your partner right down to the core might be a good thing, feelings of over familiarity also has a way of getting in between your relationship.


Thinking that you know your partner way too much takes away the element of surprise that once got you drawn to your significant other. That one thing that used to make you feel interested in your partner when both of you first met now becomes a thing of the past.


Unpredictability has a way of spicing things up not only in the bedroom, but also in your daily interactions. When things get too familiar, boredom can seep in.


2. Experiencing pent-up anger and hatred.You just can’t seem to get over the time when you and your partner had a big fight over some issues on jealousy. Plus, there’s this fact about your partner being insensitive to your needs.


Whatever the reason for the misunderstanding, any form of anger and hatred that has been shut down and repressed can eventually go out into the open, expressing itself in the form of coldness and withdrawal.


3. Losing a sense of taking care of your own self. Being in relationship for too long makes you feel comfortable in your own skin – to the point where you no longer bother looking after your own self. You quit going to the gym, you wear unsightly clothes at home, you miss putting on your favorite perfume.


Remember the days when you used to wear sexy lingerie to tease your partner? Or the time when you would spend hours at the gym just to achieve the right figure? Well, making sure you look attractive and appealing on the outside makes you feel empowered and sexy. This in turn, spices up your partner’s interest. And of course, it directly affects passion in all sense of the word.


4. Not having the energy to do exciting things in the bedroom.Going home to loads of screaming and hyperactive kids can drain your energy after a busy day at work. Plus, not to mention changing the diapers and completing household chores can also add up to the toil.

With everything else at home and at work taking up too much of your time and effort, you are left with no energy reserved for doing naughty things in the bedroom. Being tired leaves you no time to bond with your partner. Plus, sex becomes a chore. Eventually, the passion starts to break and die down a little. You should try and break the sex barrier with your partner before you resort to a low cost prostitute. Or you could book outcall escorts to talk and about it and flirt a little if that makes you feel better.

5. Being disillusioned. Remember the first time you met your partner and you were totally amazed by their different level of awesomeness? Over time, you and your partner share different experiences which eventually brings out your traits, personalities and differences.


You realize that they aren’t completely what you think of them to be. This, together with a realization that your partner isn’t as perfect as you think, leads you to a feeling of being disillusioned and disinterested. You eventually lose the level of passion you once felt.


6. Not exerting effort into the relationship. Not doing the things you and your partner used to do can be a serious deal breaker over time. If going out on dates and travelling to romantic getaways becomes a thing of the past, then, it wouldn’t be surprising to experience the passion dying a slow death.

One of the many things that made your partner fell in love with you is your ability to show and make them feel that they are special. The simple things such as whispering sweet words, expressing loving gestures, kissing your partner goodbye and even taking them out on special dates have a way of keeping the spark alive.

When these things get forgotten, your partner eventually feels unloved, rejected and insecure.

7. Not doing special things together. Not sharing the same activities that both you and your partner used to enjoy can eventually leave the relationship feel forgotten and unimportant.


Charlotte escorts say remember the time you and your partner used to go biking at the park every week or watching some movies at the cinema every chance that you get? The feeling of sharing the same activities has a way of improving the bond between you and your partner.


No matter how busy both of you are, always find some time to share these activities together. This will eventually make both of you relive the moments you used to enjoy and cherish, helping you recall the moments when you were at the peak of your passion.


8. Failing to come up with newer, more exciting ways. Too much of the same thing becomes boring. This is especially true when it comes to the bedroom. Trying out the same position and doing the usual naughty stuffs over and over again loses the spark of the moment.


Charlotte escorts believe you should reinvent and spend some time figuring out newer ways to please your partner. This will eventually make the flame come alive in and outside the bedroom.


Passion drives the relationship to an exciting hilt even if you and your partner have been together for a long time. Without it, things get boring and uninteresting. If left untreated, it may eventually leave the relationship feeling more like a drag than an exciting experience meant to be shared with the person you love.

Escorts in London believe you should try these steps before you give it up. If the relationship has truly fizzled out then you can always book outcall escorts for paid companionship with girls from charlotte escorts in London.