London Escorts Stories I Love Bondage Role Play

I knew that I was different from the very first time I had sex at the age of nineteen. Although the sex was consensual and my partner (a girl who was my college mate) was sexy and everything I look for in a woman, the whole experience did nothing for me. It felt mundane and I was glad when it was over. My partner at the time was a very shy girl and she was completely submissive in bed. She just let me do everything with little to no contribution on her part. A few days later, I decided to try again and see if things were going to be a little bit different. I went to the same type of girls who I considered attractive-slim, shorter than me and very effeminate. Thinking that I was going to be lucky this time and have a bomb time in bed, I was extremely disappointed because the encounter turned out to be even more boring than the first one.

  • Suellen

  • Ramona

  • Vivi

  • Elise

  • Luna

  • Emily

  • Clara

  • Kimberly

  • Paola

  • Andrea

  • Natalia

  • Maria

  • Adele

  • Lily

  • Adelina

  • Ella

  • Lexus

  • Sara

  • Anastasia

  • Cassandra

  • Candy

That is when I became pretty sure that things were not working out right for me in bed. I confessed my frustrations to one of my closest buddies who suggested to me that what I needed was something different from what I went for in a woman. He advised me that instead of going after the submissive types, I ought to try partners who were more assertive and active in bed. Being a London resident, finding such a woman is not a hassle in this very liberal city. That is when I decided to try and seek the services of the best online London escort agency website.

That one decision completely changed my sex life…and in a good way. After browsing through several websites offering escorting services, i looked everywhere on line from escorts in Essex, Fulham escorts to the very best escorts in canary wharf I finally decided on the one London escort who mostly appealed to me. Her profile depicted a confident-looking woman dressed all in leather from her brassiere, skin tights to her boots. She was also sporting a very bright shade of red lipstick on her lips and she was holding something akin to a whip. She had a no nonsense look on her face and her whole demeanor exuded command and control. Her bio went on to state that she was a pro “on everything” with a penchant to bondage. I had expected this bit of information to freak me out but the more I stared at her profile, the more I found myself looking forward to our appointment, which was scheduled to take place during the late hours of the evening that day.

When I knocked at her door a few minutes after six, what met my eyes took me completely by surprise. There she was, in person, and completely clad in leather. Her aggressive and superior tone when she introduced herself to me and demanded that I follow her to the inside made me
almost orgasm in my pants. Who knew that being commanded and ordered about could be such a turn on? If I had had any lingering doubts about my unexplored penchant for bondage, what I saw arranged on her bed took all those doubts away. There was a pair of handcuffs, a leather whip and hand restrainers. Lying on the floor was a foot chain.

To shorten the narrative, what happened next completely gave me a new perspective and understanding on what I had been missing all those days back. Being handcuffed and being forced to submit was the hottest thing ever. All along, I had always thought that in a heterosexual relationship, the man always has to assume the dominant role while the woman submits. I had also held this misconception that sex had to smooth and tender in order to be enjoyable. This may hold true to some but to me, tender sex does nothing. I love bondage and especially one with role play. My favorite is when I play a runway fugitive and my partner plays the role of a police officer.

Although I really cannot explain where my bondage role play freak comes from, I am very lucky to have discovered this part of myself. Before I made this discovery about myself, sex used to bore me to death. I would get this weird feeling that I was not doing it the right way. Now because I know what it is that I want, I can have more fun in bed with a like-minded and a willing participant!