My Wife’s Bisexual London Escorts Surprise

It is safe for me to say that I am married to my best friend and she is my wife. We share an amazing bond and there is a lot of space and freedom in our marriage. As much as women have a tendency to easily get insecured when her man is with somebody else; my wife couldn’t even be bothered.

We both go back since school days, she has seen many women come and go in my life. Honestly, no one really sustained except her. We were even in a long distance relation before we could exchange vows; and even that time she never had any objections if I slept with somebody else.

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Our marriage is pretty adventurous and open, we share our thoughts, wants, likes and dislikes very openly without any hesitations. While some people may have other thoughts about the bond I share with her, we both know the truth and that’s enough.

Recently in one of my trips, I looked for the best London escorts website i could find and I had hired an escort for a night. No doubt, I did tell her before doing it and she was fine with it. The experience that I had was fun and I shared all the happenings of the night with my better half.

I also know that my girls are a bisexual and even before we married, she had her share of fun. But after we got married, she got tied up into many things. I wanted to do something special for her and that got me thinking. I started looking at profiles of bisexual escorts.

I found one girls who was perfect since I knew my wife’s taste in women. Coincidently she also had a few qualities that I looked for. Since I was planning a surprise for my wife on our anniversary, I decided to bring in a new twist and hire the sexiest escort I had found under the bisexual escorts category.

I know that she will love the fact that she could live her old life once again and I am fine with that. Bisexual escorts are a lot of fun; these women know how to please men as well as women at the same time. Just because of their sexual orientation or preference you really cannot judge them.

Even in the past I have had my share with bisexual escorts but this time it was different. It was not for me that I was hunting for one but for my wife. With the dating experience of bisexual escorts there are so many horizons that you can explore. It also helps you to learn something new and different which you would never get by hiring a straight escort.

Bisexual escorts love to have fun and their fun has no boundaries. You can easily hook up with them without any questions in your mind. When you share an open marriage like the one I have, there is nothing to hide.

Sleeping with bisexual escorts bring in a fun element. The fact that you can enjoy a threesome together or even get two see two women making out can really be fun. When you and your partner are adventurous and open to try new things, have a bisexual partner only makes it interesting.

Well coming back to my surprise. I called the agency and asked them about their bisexual escorts, although I had found one, I was wondering if she was available since I knew we had to check that out. I told them the date when I needed her and also the place.

Since it was an in the city appointment, I decided to plan up things at the escort’s place. I told the agency the purpose of me hiring her and also requested them to make special arrangements for our special day. Since money was not the issue, I clearly gave them specific instructions about what I wanted and what my wife preferred. The information that was given to them helped the agency to find the perfect escort out of the different bisexual escort’s profiles that they had. Finally we found a match

The girl that I found reminded me of one the girls she used to hook up with. She was tall, had blond hair and had a nice hour glass figure. The fact that she came under the bisexual escorts category was the cherry on the cake.

I paid an advance and a little extra for the arrangements that had to be made. I also requested the agency to decorate the place with flowers, candles and different things that we could use while having sex. Along with that, I even asked them to arrange a special cake to mark the occasion.

My excitement was at its peak, finally the night before our anniversary had come. I had already hired the place for the entire day; I even told her to take the day off from work since I had a surprise. I knew that my choice of going with the services of bisexual escorts was a good one. Next time when we go on holiday we will might even book some Gatwick escorts as i think we really enjoy booking escorts as a couple.

We had been for dinner and a movie; then I gave her a blind fold and told her not to take it out until I told her. I drove her to the escort’s place and took her up. By that time, I had already sent a message to the agency manager telling him that I was on my way.

When we got there, I took out her blind fold, the joy of the surprise was reflecting in her eyes. She was also shocked to know that I actually hired an escort for her. We enjoyed the entire night and in fact we even slept the night with our escort.

When we were driving home in the afternoon of our anniversary, I could see that she was happy. I know that she felt special that day. Sometimes having sex with bisexual escorts and your partner is not a bad thing provided that you both are fine with it. This is one of the main reasons why I love my wife. It is not because I get to screw other women, but the understanding that we share and the freedom to live that makes it special.


Please be aware that all escorts are booked for their time only anything that happens is an agreement between consensual adults.

Im A Woman Booking Escorts In London

Hi, I’m looking for some advice… It all started back when I was a little girl. You know? I never really thought much of it. I’d look at girls the same way I looked at guys and I just thought this was “normal” behavior, I guess. I never really like messed about with any girls or anything, but there was always this in the back of my mind.

Like, I remember my first boyfriend. I went over to his house and we’d do what kids do but there was time where he’d catch me staring at his sister… oddly. He’d say something and I’d play it off, for some reason I never really admitted it to myself. I figured, it wasn’t a big deal. I liked guys too so I wouldn’t have to worry about it. I got some enjoyment looking at women but I still got to stay straight in the public eye because I’d always be with guys.

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Well, things have changed. I met my husband back in college in America. I was studying social work and he was taking his engineering classes. We dated through college and got married a year after we graduation. Both of us want to leave the country, so we looked for work in London. We lucked out and 8 months into our job search we both had good gigs on the other side of the Atlantic. I’ve been married to him for five years, but that wandering eye of mine has been acting out lately. Not for other guys, mind you, always girls. I feel terrible about it, but I don’t know if I should. My husband is pretty laid back about stuff, and I am attracted to him and I love him dearly so I don’t want a relationship. I just want to spend some time with a lady. I caught myself looking through escorts in London and I know I have to come clean soon.

It’s seeping into all walks of my life. I’ve caught myself even staring at the older girls coming into my office, you know 18 years old and up. I can barely listen to them and I’m afraid they’ll catch me just staring. I feel like a misogynist. I can almost relate to how piggish some men get at this point. At home I still have a good relationship, in all ways, with my husband and I do not want to cheat on him. Is it wrong to want a non-physical relationship and non-emotional relationship with a woman? I just want to flirt and stare and have her do the same. This is why I’m seriously considering going out with some escorts in London.

They’re in my dreams at this point. When I was a girl I’d have those special kind of dream about people, but I haven’t had them in so long. But now, it’s like I was reawakened. Every night there’s girls in my dreams, and sometimes I feel bad for it feeling so good imagining them like that. And I’ll wake up to my husband, and I’m not disappointed seeing him. Not at all, but do you think he’d be comfortable knowing what got me going? That it’s women I’ve been thinking of and not him? I don’t know why this is happening. I guess I repressed it too long as a girl and never experimented when I needed to. It’s making me go mad, that’s for sure. I’m an adult woman having school girl fantasies about other women and particularly sexy escorts in London at this point. A nice night out with an escort in London would help more than anyone could imagine.

What’s the best way to break this to my husband? I’m worried he’ll think I’ll leave him or something. And is it wrong I don’t want him to be there? There’s no way he’d trust me in this, but maybe he will. They always say communication is key in relationships, but do you just blurt out, “Honey, I’m bisexual and I need to see an escort in London. Tonight.” And then what? I could see two things happening. He goes quiet and leaves me or he bursts out laughing and wants to send me to a therapist. Maybe a need one. I think a London Escort would be a good therapist. I know what I’ll do. I’ll just call and talk to an escort. Just to see what they’re like. I’ll tell them what I’m thinking. I know that will feel good. But I’ll want more! I would imagine having a London escort kiss all over me.

I don’t need, you know, everything. I just need to feel desirable to a woman. I’ve never had trouble with men, but I see the way women look when they’re into someone. I want them to look at me like that! Those melty eyes and heavy breathing, coy but like they can wreck your world if you want them to. Take me out somewhere you vixens. So, I guess I’m asking for some advice. I obviously needed to get this all out. It’s been spinning in my head for months now. Would you tell your husband? Husbands, if your wife told you all this how would you feel? Maybe I should just let him read this and see how he reacts.I’m scared because I NEED to do this. I need to go out with some escorts in London, just a few times and just feel what it’s like to be desired by a woman. I’ll repeat myself, I’m not looking to go too far with anyone. I just want to feel like I could.

I’ll tell my husband tonight I think. No matter what. I’ll tell him tonight. I’m not asking him for permission, but I need to tell him what is going through my head. Maybe he’ll understand. If not, then we’ll just see where we are after. But I’m going to see some escorts in London I’m going to check the sexy escorts available today and book one. Do you think he’d like coming with us? I could see that working. With both of them flaming over me. That could be fun. Maybe he’ll like it too. I’ll tell him, “Husband, I want to take out some escorts in London and have a fun flirty night. Would you like to come along?”

That solves it then. That’s what I’ll say. I guess I didn’t need advice, I just needed to vent. Maybe you’ll see me out there in the pubs of London. My husband and an escort fawning over me over drinks and me looking like I’m in heaven.

My London Escorts Girlfriend Is Bisexual

How can you feel comfortable in your own sexuality? My girlfriend is London escorts and a sexy bisexual, and I have always known about it. At first, I did not think my girlfriend’s bisexuality would cause us any problems at all. However, recently I have started to doubt myself a little bit. At times, it feels like my girlfriend prefers her girlfriend lover to me. I end up feeling left out, and like I am not satisfying her enough. When we are together, she finds it hard to achieve or sustain an orgasm by penetrative sex. It is an odd experience, and I must admit I have started to feel surplus to requirements if you like. Yes, I don’t mind playing with her sex toys, but I feel that I am not really adequate and cannot really meet her needs.

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Bisexual Relationships

Living in a bisexual relationship is never easy. Quite often you will find it is the man who is the straight partner in the relationship. To most men, it will initially seem it is exciting to have a girlfriend who is bisexual and spending time with them with them is often a sensual pleasure. Some female bisexual partners are even happy for you to join them during their rendesvouz. A lot of gents find this exciting, but at the same time, there is an increased risk of jealousy. What cannot he not enjoy an intimate personal experience outside your relationship? This may lead to him experience a bisexual lover as a rival.

Understanding the Female Bisexual Orgasm

Ladies who are bisexual often fail to orgasm on penetrative sex with a partner of the opposite sex. Most bisexual ladies often think they are lesbian when they come up through the ranks, and only discover their straight side later on in their personal sexual journey. The problem relates back to the fact lesbian ladies only achieve orgasm by oral sex, hand stimulation or play with sex toys. Not only is it habit forming, but bisexual ladies often find it hard to relax and let go when being penetrated. Should you feel guilty about this? No, you should not feel guilty at all. At the same time, you should not stop trying. Play with your partner until she is very close to orgasm and then slip inside her nice and gently. This could make a huge difference. Also, you should not be afraid to explore different position. Exploring different positions is something a lot of couples forget about, but it can prove to be vitally important.

Does Your Bisexual Girlfriend Prefer Her Lover?

It is hard to say if your bisexual girlfriend prefers her lover. If she is beginning to spend an excessive amount of time with her lover, it may be a good idea to ask what side she actually falls on. She could be saying she loves you, but in reality, she is actually spending time with you because she likes some male company. It is not easy to know how to handle this situation, but in general, you should not forget it is good to talk. Even the most open minded couples forget to talk about sex and sexuality with each other. If were to do that, you may soon find you feel a lot better about your relationship. Honestly should never be underestimated in any relationship. When it comes to relationship where there are internal sexual challenges, it becomes even more important to communicate well. Remember listening is as important as talking.

Relationship Perimeters

If you are in a bisexual relationship, or open relationship, should you set relationship perimeters? As a matter of fact, it could be a very good idea to do just that. In that case, you both know where you stand, and can get on with your life. In order not to feel jealous of your bisexual partner, it might be a good idea to be as open about your relationship as possible. If you know your bisexual partner is one of the sexiest east London escorts and is having a physical intimate relationship away from you, it may be a good idea for you to try the same solution. You will find your girlfriend may have one particular partner she enjoys spending time with. In that case, why should you not be allowed to do the same thing?

What Matters to You Both?

It is a good idea to sit down and talk about what matters to the both of you. What makes you relationship so special that it is worth your while to stay in it? These are the questions a lot of couples forget to ask themselves. Yes, sexually challenged relationships may have several issues to deal with, and you need to decide how you feel about them. Also, how do you feel about the relationship? Does it make you happy or does it make you feel insecure and jealous? If the relationship makes you feel insecure, it may not be such a good idea to take it further. You will have learned a lot from experience, and now you know and hopefully recognize the needs of another person. At the end of the day, we are all created differently and have different needs. What may seem like a good idea at the start, may not be such a good idea once it comes to everyday living and lifestyle. Do you actually love your bisexual partner or are you just excited by her? These are two more things you need to ask yourself before you commit to relationship and give up everything. It is a question which should always be asked by both parties in any relationship. Living with a bisexual woman will never be easy. Yes it may sound exciting, but how will you feel about your own sexual needs? Are your dreams and fantasies being fulfilled? The road to happiness can be treacherous, and you never know if someone will spring out along the way, a rob you of your bisexual partner. Do you want to live looking over your shoulder all of the time? Perhaps not, and in that case, you should think twice before you start down this road.