Pitsea escorts discuss sexism in the armed forces

Pitsea is located near the Essex coast, and was perhaps located directly on the North Sea coast some years ago. Today, it has become a larger town of about 25,000 residents and can be found nearby Basildon. It is very much a residential area and the town itself may look a little bit rundown, but is undergoing regeneration. 

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You Are in the Army Now!

My sister is a member of the armed forces. When she first joined, I thought that she was going to have a brilliant career. She is getting on okay, but not as well as she had wished for when she first joined. At the moment I am still doing better money wise and career wise than my sister. Is it down to sexism? It seems men still  do better in the armed forces than most ladies who join up.

What Do Pitsea Escorts Think about the Armed Forces? 

I am not sure that any of the girls at cheap Pitsea escorts would join the armed forces. Many of the girls who work for the escort agency in Pitsea are simply too girly to join the armed services. If you feel like that, I think that it is better to find a career which fits in better with your personality, and lifestyle. People with the armed forces tend to travel a lot, and if you don’t want to find yourself being moved around the world on a regular basis, it could be better to stay away from the armed services.

Nail Polish vs Armed Forces

Would I fit in with the armed forces? I am not that sort of girl who would fit in at all. First of all, my sister is really fit and love sports, and this is one of the reasons she decided to join the armed forces. She is also a great team player, and I am not so sure that I am good at that.

I do realise that we are a bit of a team here at Pitsea escorts. However, at the same time, you spend so much time working on your own, and not in a team. It is only really when you hook up with the other girls at cheap Pitsea escorts on business functions, you spend time together.

Also, I enjoy wearing nail polish and make up too much, and I think that is just another reason why I would not fit in with the armed forces. My sister tells me that you are not allowed to wear make up when you are on duty with the armed forces.

Sexism at Pitsea Escorts

Do we have any problems with sexism at Pitsea escorts? Most of the girls who work for Pitsea escorts would say that we don’t, but I would not agree. More and more cheap escort services now provide cheap male escorts as well as cheap female escorts. However, our boss says that he does not want to become involved with providing male escorts. 

I am a little bit surprised at that as I know that there are plenty of ladies out there who would like to date male Pitsea escorts. It is all too easy to assume the local ladies would not be interested in dating male Pitsea escorts, but I know many ladies who would just love to date male escorts in Pitsea.

Armed Forces vs Escorting

I often joke with my sister and say that there is not a lot of difference between escorting and being a member of the armed services. We both go on duty as it were. I know that when my sister goes on duty things are a little bit different, but I still go on duty.

Do I wear a uniform for work? My sister tells me that I am not required to wear a uniform for work, but that is not true. In many ways I do wear a uniform for work. I certainly do not wear the same clothes at home as I do when I work for Pitsea escorts so I guess that it could be argued I wear a uniform when I am on duty with escort agency. My uniform is totally different from the one my sister wears, but I certainly have a lot of different “uniforms” that I can slip on. Perhaps you fancy meeting the Busty Air Hostess tonight? 

Do Pitsea Escorts  Take Their Work Seriously? 

Most of the girls who work for Pitsea escorts services have a lot more in common with their opposite numbers in the armed forces than you may imagine. I am sure that most of the girls that I work with don’t think of it that way, but I do.

When you are in the armed forces, you have to be really professional to do well at your job, and the same thing goes when you work for an escort services. I am pretty sure that the more professional you are during your escorts career, the better you will do. 

Every day when I go on duty with cheap Pitsea escorts, I make sure that I am in the right frame of mind, and suited and booted for my job. Most girls who work for the armed forces would probably laugh at that comparison, but it is very much true. I love escorting, and just like the girls in the armed forces, I think that it helps that you look at your job as a vocation. Most of the girls who work for Pitsea escorts don’t even realize that is how they look at their jobs, but in fact, many of them probably do so without even realizing what they are doing. It comes natural to any girl or woman who is dedicated to giving a good service. 

If you would like to enjoy the service which the girls have got to offer, and find out how dedicated they are to their jobs, just give them a call in Pitsea. It is easy to set up a date with these sexy ladies. The best you can do is to check out the girls online, find your dream girl and give her a call to make sure that she is on duty that evening.