Pale Green escorts – escorts investigate the health scores surrounding spray tan and sun beds  Essex

Pale Green forms part of an Essex village called Helions Bumpstead. It is located within the Braintree district o Essex and is very much an affordable residential area. The local residents of Pale Green make up the number of Helions Bumpstead, and perhaps this is why the larger village has so many excellent public services which other Essex villages seem to lack or be in short supply.  Pale Green is a very popular residential area with locals from Braintree and the Essex town of Chelmsford which lies a little bit further away, but still within commuting distance. 

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Pale Green Escorts: The Suntan Issue

Do we need to walk around “permatanned” as I like to call it? I am not really sure that being tanned permanently is that attractive at all. It can make you look rather unnatural, and when you turn up looking tanned in the middle of winter, you can get a few odd looks in the supermarket. People think that you may have been on an expensive holiday to the Caribbean.

That being said most of the girls I work with at Pale Green escorts do seem to enjoy looking tanned 365 days per year. I am pretty sure that most of them spend a small fortune on their tans, and many hours on sun beds or in spray tan booths. Sure, I understand why so many of my friends at cheap Pale Green escorts are hooked on tans, but it is not really for me. I can think of better things to spend my money.

Can Our Permanently Tanned Lifestyles Damage Our Skin?

At first I worried about sun beds more than I worried about spray tans. I notice that the girls at cheap Pale Green escorts who used sun beds a couple of times per week seemed to be picking up a lot more cold and infections compared to the girls who were not into using sun beds. Cold and viruses seem to be common health problems here at Pale Green escorts. Recent research seems to indicate frequent use of sun beds can affect your immune system by killing off essential probiotics.

What About Spray Tans? Well, spray tans are popular with the girls here at Pale Green escorts. I have tried a couple of different ones myself. Although I thought that I looked good afterwards, I did not think that they had a positive effect on my skin. My skin seemed to feel a lot tighter, and at the same time, it was a lot drier as well. I said to one of my colleagues at Pale Green escorts that I ended up spending a small fortune on skin care product to make my skin nice and smooth again.

Top Skin Care Tips from the Girls at Pale Green Escorts

In general I do think that the girls here at Pale Green escorts are very good at looking after themselves and their personal beauty needs. When you are in our line of business, it is vital to look good, but at the same time you need to think about your own health. Sun beds can affect your skin by pumping out harmful radiation which damages the mitochondria of the cell. We may not notice those effects immediately, but the truth is that they can become more apparent in years to come. In fact, they may even cause skin cancer.

Spray tans can cause similar problems. Did you know that to give you that perfect glow, spray tan treatments contain parabens? They are derivatives of the petro-chemical industry, and can cause harmful changes to your skin. In fact, they stay on top of your skin like little crystals. One of the girls here at pale Green escorts developed eczema, and her doctor told her all about the problems parabens can cause. In some extreme cases, they can even cause skin cancer, and it I thought they may even be behind many of the cases we see today.

How Should You Look After Your Skin?

The best way to look after your skin is by eating well and using natural skin care products. Since I joined Pale Green escorts, I have focused on good quality skin care, and it has made a huge difference to the way my skin looks. I have ditched all of the top skin care brands that you can buy in department stores, and on top of that, I have also started to eat for my skin.

How do you eat for your skin? I love healthy food, and I know that I need bags of energy for my work at Pale Green escorts. Most of us work at night, and when you do that, your skin and general health may suffer. A lot of the girls I work with at Pale Green escorts focus on eating to stay skinny. That is something that I try to avoid. Instead I focus on eating for energy. That means unlike my friends at Pale Green escorts, I eat things like avocados, papaya and mango. Avocados are great as they contain a lot of oils which are good for your skin, and both mango along with papaya are rich in beta carotene which can stop wrinkles in their tracks, and at the same time add color to your skin.

Have I Wet Your Appetite for Natural Health? Like to Know More? Call Me at Pale Green Escorts…

I hope that you are now at least a little bit more interested in natural skincare. But, if you would like to know more how you can improve your lifestyle, and introduce more healthy measures into your life, why don’t you give me a call here at Pale Green escorts.

It will give you a chance to check out how good I look, and discover the other sexy creatures that work here at Pale Green escorts. Believe me, we are good at so many other things that natural health advice, and we would love to tell you more about it. The truth is that dating Pale Green escorts can really improve your overall health, and I would like to have an opportunity to show just exactly how we can do that. Are you up for improving your health with a bunch of sexy girls at Pale Green escorts… I hope that you would like to meet us as much we like to meet you.