My Bisexual London Escorts Girlfriend

My girlfriend is a bisexual London escort, should I be worried she will fall in love with another woman? This seems to be the question that I am asking myself a lot these days. I wake up in cold a sweat from dreams where she has found someone to give her all the things that I cannot. I mean, no matter how rich I become, no matter how many classes I take and no matter how much work I put into it, a woman is the one thing that I cannot be. The worry is all but eating me up inside. I am not the type of person who gets jealous if she speaks to other men. Frankly I feel like I have most other men beat. I am good looking, funny, intelligent and have a well-paid job .I do really think that she loves me, but is this a hole that is just too big for me to fill? Are there things that she wants or needs that she is not getting from me? When I am not consumed by worries over her leaving me, this is what I think about. To really give you a true view of what it is that I am currently going through; I think that it is only fair for both of us if I start at the beginning.

  • Alicia

  • Vivi

  • Lexus

  • Emily

  • Jodie

  • Ella

  • Marcela

  • Kimberly

  • Suellen

  • Maria

  • Candy

  • Jaqueline

  • Ramona

  • Anastasia

  • Nika

  • Sara

  • Andrea

I met my girlfriend and the love of my life about three years ago while on a night out with friends in central London. I had left the group and was walking alone along the River Thames when I noticed the most stylish of women stood at the railing attempting to light a cigarette in the wind. I walked over to her and offered her a light. As she gently cupped my hands and leaned in to light it, the flames’ glow lit up what had to have been the most beautiful face that I had ever seen. We exchanged names and began a long and intense conversation about life and dating and all in between. We must have stayed in that very spot for a good few hours. Now I must be honest and tell you that in this first painfully open conversation, we covered relationships and why our last ones had failed. We talked about jealousy and secrets and of how they can tear down the strongest relationships. She told me during this first conversation that she would at some point in the future, like to experience sex with another woman. In the moment I simply imagined her with another woman and perhaps a situation where I could have been involved also. At the time we were just talking so I had no idea of the impact it could have on any possible relationship. The more we talked about it, the more normal a thing it seemed.

Fast-forward to a year later. Now I am one of the happiest men in London as I am properly in love. The woman I met on the river that day has been by my side for a whole year and in that time we have as a couple managed to grow an amazing amount. Honesty being the cornerstone of this strong foundation. Now comes the test. Naturally there comes a time in every relationship for something new to overcome. We had financial problems and were both in a position where we needed new jobs. I got one quickly but for her it seemed a bit harder to do so. One of her friends had been earning a lot of money as an escort and one night at a colleagues’ birthday party we all sat down and began talking about it. By the end of the evening it was set. My girlfriend was to become (with my blessing) an escort. A London escort to be precise. I had very few problems with this and imagined she may go out a few times with some lonely old rich guy who would flirt and stare but this happened when I wasn’t around anyway right? (The flirting and staring that is.) I felt somewhat empowered by my openness towards the idea and had no idea what was to come next.

Here we are two years down the line and now there is a whole new problem. It would seem that there is a fast growing market for bisexual London escorts. Everyone loves to book them in all areas you find enfield escorts, surrey escorts, Gatwick escorts and harlow escorts are all bisexual. I had not planned for this when making my initial decision. As a bisexual London escort she would now be going on dates’ with gay women and was even now a perfect escort for dates’ with couples. The whole escort thing had become so normal at this point that she had barely noticed that her usual work stories of the lonely old rich guys I had expected and readied myself for were now becoming sexy middle-aged women and young hot couples. She would also talk about these dates’ with much more enthusiasm than she once did. She loved going to work and would now make friends’ where she hadn’t before. She was happier than ever and I was in turn more worried than ever. Each and every time she now tells me about a date’ with a woman, I can hear her excitement and it sounds hot and very sexy I must admit. Now however I fear that I will lose her to that one thing that I cannot be. So what do I do? I can’t ask her to stop, with more calling for bisexual London escorts now than ever before it would seem that I have my work cut out for me. Our relationship is based on an honesty and openness that extends far enough for her to be an escort no problem. Bisexual London escorts however have all the fun it would seem. I am caught between trusting the woman that I love and praying that she does not fall in love with another woman.

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